Get your computers back! Sales of computers began to grow for the first time in six years


Even though we hear each quarter how bad the tablets are and how broken the segment is, it seems like we're in the middle of a cycle that brings PCs and laptops back. PC shipments began to grow seriously, for the first time in 6 years. We have the details below.

We do not say so simply, but I even say that the largest market research companies, Gartner and IDC are in agreement on this subject. . The PC market experienced significant growth in the second quarter of this year, with IDC showing a jump of 2.7% and Gartner with only 1.4%. Last year, there were signs that desktops and laptops could go beyond that.

It must be said, however, that IDC and Gartner monitor the market differently. IDC includes Chromebooks and excludes Windows tablets on which you can connect a keyboard, such as Surface Pro. Gartner also includes the latter, but excludes Chromebooks or tablets without Windows. Judging by the figures made public, we are witnessing the first increase since last year in the PC field since 2012.

Business PCs with Windows 10 appear to be the engine of growth , and the business market. This is compensated for the decrease in the consumption zone. Analysts expect the jump to be slowed down in two years, when the frenzy of upgrades to Windows 10 terminals will pass and some types of non-commercial desktops develop as a side-effect of business growth

Apple and Acer have had all the increases in the last 3 months. I do not know if they have monitored the IDC and the gambling area, but I guess there is some growth there.

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