Gnohere can become the first naturalized player of the Romanian national team. The announcement was made by Cosmin Contra


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 Gnohere can become the first naturalized player of the Romanian nation. The announcement was made by Cosmin Contra

Harlem Gnohere (30), first scorer in the league for the 2017-2018 season, could become the new striker of the Romanian national. According to the statements of Cosmin Contra, the French will be naturalized if he continues his positive developments.

Gnohere was an important FCSB footballer, embarrassing to save the team in many moments of the previous season. Several transfer offers came to his name, but not just the outsiders were impressed by the performance of the attacker. The Romanian coach, Cosmin Contra, said that it was possible for Gnohere to be naturalized if he continued to impress.

" Gnohere, if he loses a few pounds, can become a more effective footballer.If he continues his good work, he falls into my national attention ," said Cosmin Contra for Pro X.

Gnohere had a very good competitive year at the FCSB. He scored 21 goals in 44 games.



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