Google adds Morse code support to Gboard keyboard


iPhone phone users will now be able to use the Gboard keyboard and communicate in Morse code.

Especially for people with disabilities, the new Gboard keyboard feature is designed to facilitate non-verbal communication for people who do not. have the dexterity necessary for the effective use of a conventional keyboard

The Morse Code is a simplified communication system invented at the beginning of the era of communications at a distance, when telegraph lines and radio equipment did not allow the deployment of voice communications at an acceptable level of quality. The Morse code is still used mainly by radio amateurs as an alternative means of nonverbal communication

However, the system is particularly useful for people with reduced mobility who can use the Gboard keyboard to form words and sentences beginning with impulses data in the Morse code. At the same time, the same Google text predictive technologies available with the QWERTY version of the Gboard keyboard can be used to select the next word and fill in the text entered by Morse code faster

 International Morse Code

In addition to the iOS version, the Android edition of the Gboard keyboard can also be used with external activation devices when the direct use of Morse code interface on the touch screen is not possible

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