
<img class = "td-post-image-full-and-grid aligncenter wp-image-350826" title = "Google Chrome ATENTIE Functia Afecteaza Oamenii 350824" src = " wp-content / uploads / 2018/07-Google-Chrome-ATENTIE-Functia-Afecteaza-Oamenii-350824.jpg "alt =" Google Chrome Google Chrome is the browser with which Google has conquered users in around the world, with hundreds of millions of people using it on computers and mobile phones at the moment.The number of those who constantly use Google Chrome is very high, which encourages Google to consistently implement new user functions, and a very important function has a negative impact on everyone.

Google Chrome implemented in version 67 of the browser or a solution to the Specter vulnerability that affects Intel and AMD processors, and unfortunately, it is Is a problem. More precise t, because of the change of Google for Google Chrome, the browser will consume more RAM in use, but all to keep us safe on the Internet, offering high security, but unfortunately at a price.

Google Chrome: ATTENTION to the function affecting all people

Google Chrome has a function called Site Isolation implemented to protect computers from Specter vulnerability, and it creates several processes for them websites, so vulnerable to being isolated more easily. Based on this change, Google's Chrome RAM consumption increases from 10% to 13% in normal use, and if you have a computer that only has 4GB of RAM, you will certainly have an impact on performance.

"The site isolation causes Chrome to create more rendering process, which comes with performance compromises.There is about 10-13% of total memory overhead in the actual workloads because Chrome has now a higher RAM usage because of the Specter Vulnerability Repair, but Google says its engineers are trying to get it to reduce the impact on them. performance in future versions of the browser.The increase in RAM consumption for Google Chrome will also generate an increase in the power of the battery, so the impact will be double for the overall performance of computers and life laptop battery that the browser is installed for use.

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