Google Chrome gets a new feature that increases the security and memory consumption of RAM


The good news is that Google Chrome is virtually immune to side-by-side computer attacks, the category of feared exploits Specter and Meldown. The disadvantage is that the performance is slightly lower, and the RAM consumption is noticeable

Already known for its ability to "devour" impressive amounts of RAM, directly proportional to the number of open tabs, Google Chrome becomes even more aggressive in this regard. Called Site Iosolation, a new security feature available from Chrome 68, places each tab and associated process in separate RAM partitions, making it impossible to use an infected script or extension for intercept sensitive data managed by Chrome

Google, by enabling the site isolation will increase your RAM usage from 10% to 13% above the current level. This tradeoff results from the fact that some system processes, which currently process one or more open pages, will have to be duplicated for each tab and pop-up window. The operating mode exerts some pressure on the system processor, which will have more to do with the current Chrome processes.

Google "threat" and other additional security checks need to be implemented in the near future, would be a security measure in the event of compromise of any of the security systems present in the browser

The site isolation will also be available in Chrome 68 for Android devices, but at the experimental stage, it can be activated by checking the same name in about: // flags [19659003]

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