
  Google Chrome ALERTA NEW Web Pages 350943

Google Chrome has a very exciting new feature in the test process to help users quickly know which pages they are accessing consumes too much traffic. access. We are talking about an alert message like the one you can see in the image below, with the Google Chrome browser displaying the alert at the top of the screen, so traffic from subscriptions should not be a problem. [19659003] Google Chrome has implemented this new feature in the latest beta of Canary for computers and phones, and on its base we can even stop loading a web page when the browser finds it too big. Google Chrome allows you to use this feature only with web pages that have deployed the subquery request on hold . The option should not be available on the Internet

Google Chrome: ALERTA NOU for web pages

  Google Chrome ALERT NEW Web pages 350943 1

Google Chrome allows you to set the maximum limits to which users Web pages we can access, from 1 MB to 15 MB. MB, or even more, so each user makes the settings as he wants. In this sense, computer and phone users can have a great deal of control over the internet traffic done via Google Chrome when they access web pages, so that there should not be Meme it problem of exceeding subscription traffic.

"Enable the display of an InfoBar on pages heavy in data that allow the user to stop loading the sub-resource request on the page. L & # Using the "Low" option reduces the trigger threshold by 1MB. – Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android. Chrome: // flags / # enable-heavy-page-capping. 19659007] Google Chrome has implemented for some time an option to limit the consumption of traffic while surfing the Internet, additional for those who need monitoring. Google Chrome has implemented this new feature in the beta version of the browser, so it remains to be seen how long it will take until it is available in the final version of Google's browser, so you'll have to wait until it is ready. [19659009] [ad_2]
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