Google Duplex will change the call center business, but it could also increase the number of phone scams


Google introduced an awesome technology called Duplex at the annual I / O conference. It's an AI quite capable of speaking naturally, making it almost impossible to distinguish its voice , his intonation and his expression of those of a man. While technology can be used to make bookings without wasting time on the phone, it is already considered for use in the area of ​​technical support or customer support, as well as by those who handle scams.

Duplex technology is already being considered for integration by a "big insurance company" according to The Information, as well as by various companies in the world that offer call center services. Practically, Duplex can be used instead of human employees to take calls and help customers solve minor problems. Since Duplex does not have a preset schedule and does not take a break, this could be an effective support solution 24 hours a day.

So, human employees would stay " "for" more complex problems that Duplex can not answer. But it could also mean the loss of many jobs in this industry, which could affect millions of people around the world.

At the same time, there is a risk that the technology falls into the hands of crooks who use phone calls to convince people to give them money for fictitious services or products. According to Market Watch, 1 in 10 Americans loses money on these calls, with an average loss of $ 430 per "successful" call. Each year, these scams are estimated at $ 9.5 billion. Having an automatic system that tries to deceive people around the clock, these criminals could increase their success rate.

It remains to be seen how Google will do in the future. Duplex technology will probably be available only under license, so it will not be free for anyone, but it will be difficult to see how it is used by individual customers

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