Google has launched a concept that could devastate the call center market


  Google launches a concept that could devastate the call center market

Google launches a concept that could devastate the call center market

The robots used at the end of the line call in a call center [

Google is promoting its AI AI artificial intelligence system worldwide as a tool for call centers, according to The Information.

Duplex could soon handle calls and if a customer asks complex questions that the robot can not answer, a human operator can be contacted, according to the US publication.

However, it is hard to believe that artificial intelligence researchers give up after robots handle simple questions, which means that in the future the call centers will work primarily using this technology

This artificial intelligence system was created at a Google conference in May, where he demonstrated that he could call local businesses to make reservations on behalf of assistants Google Personal

they complained that they are not informed if they are talking to a robot or to a real person, Google has adapted the introductory text to the call that artificial intelligence explains from the beginning that this is not a real man

about the operation of the Duplex system. Unlike many other artificial intelligence systems promoted by Google, the company has not released any public research details about how the conversational level is programmed.

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