
<img class = "td-post-image-full-and-grid aligncenter wp-image-351046" title = "Google Maps ATACUL PERICULOS esti VULNERABIL 351044" src = " wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / Google-Maps-ATACUL-PERICULOS-esti-VULNERABIL-351044.jpg "alt =" Google Maps Google Maps is one of these platforms that you plan to ensure security when you use it, but university researchers, with Microsoft, have managed to design a very dangerous attack in which we are all vulnerable.Further specifically, the researchers have managed to create an attack by which they can modify the maps that users see in Google Maps, by displaying "ghost maps" that point them to the wrong places, without knowing what's going on.

Google Maps was the target of Such an attack in China, where researchers were able to discreetly test the software using two phones Android mobiles, and they managed to successfully change the GSM signal transmitted to the user and display them a false location. The attack is extremely dangerous because the person using Google Maps does not know what is happening in reality, but the attack must be made in the immediate vicinity of the victim

Google Maps: DANGEROUS ATTACK to which you are VULNERABLE

Google Maps is vulnerable to this attack, but including Apple Maps is vulnerable, or the application Pokemon GO, since the GPS signal is the modified, but it is all to possible that other platforms are susceptible to attacks of this kind. Google Maps and Apple Maps are vulnerable to this attack because they would not use an encryption system for data transmitted between the user and the service, so that communication can be intercepted and modified

"Their hacks used an algorithm that looked for map layouts that look like but not the same as real ones, so it's possible to move to a" ghost location "to replace the legitimate place where the driver wants to access without noticing it.These attacks will work on other GPS-based software, including Apple Maps and Pokemon Go. "

Google Maps is used by billions of people every year and Apple Maps counting hundreds of millions of users, attacks of this type can therefore generate great beating for many people if they were applied in the real world, on a large scale . Google Maps and Apple Maps need protection systems to make sure we can navigate safely where we need to go, but it's hard to say if they will be implemented

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