Google removes from its store a series of applications – Business


Google will remove a number of apps from the Play Store, depending on the new apothecary development policy that it wants to publish in its store.

  • applications selling weapons and weapons accessories
  • applications that can entice children to download adult applications
  • applications designed solely for advertising
  • Apps developed using of tools or models of automatic generation
  • This last category of applications (those that use templates and automated tools) will be removed in order to reduce the number of spam applications. However, notes that the similar measure introduced by Apple last December has been controversial, as many online businesses and small businesses, NGOs and other organizations use such models to do because many do not. allow them not to invest in the development and design of new applications.

    As a result, Apple revised its policy so that only developers who want to spam in the App Store with more copies of a particular type of application

    Google wanted to point out that & # 39; He would try not to repeat the same error with his new restrictive policy:

    Applications created by an automated support tool or templates and published on Google Play by operators of such services on behalf of others people are forbidden. These applications will only be accepted if they are published by an account of a registered developer and belong to the user of the automated tool, and not to the service that exploits these tools

    In the end from last year, Google had in its app store 3.5 million requests

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