Google took advertisers by surprise


Google, a division of the Alphabet Group, introduced Tuesday new advertising tools that show the company's growing interest in automating the setup and placement of advertisements.

Advertisers have welcomed new software that could encourage them to spend more on Google because of the more efficient use of their money.

Technology and privacy analysts monitor changes with concern, and regulatory oversight may be strengthened [19659002] In Europe, new data protection regulations require users to give their consent to automated decisions regarding their data.

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Google's new advertising services are developed with machine learning, in which the software analyzes the starting conditions and the final results, then decides how to maximize certain results according to new conditions in real time

According to Google, the machine-learning software can now predict when to display the advertisements so that in a particular budget, maximize traffic in traditional stores or improve consumer confidence in a brand.

Google has also announced a greater availability of a tool that automatically chooses the best ad text for advertising. shown in the results of the research, from a list

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Users seeking the same thing could get different versions of one The ads," depending on the context, "Google announced through a blog, the company opening a conference of 39; advertisers.

Critics fear that machine learning increases the risk of discrimination and violation of privacy in advertising. The software can teach people to hunt vulnerable people or make offers to people based on sensitive characteristics such as race.

Google does not allow the distribution of ads by race, but the algorithms could do it using other information says Dipayan Ghosh, a Harvard University member and former member of Facebook's public policy team,

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