Google will delete a series of …


The Android App Store will undergo a cleaning process that will remove several categories of apps that do not adhere to the new rules.

Google has updated the rules that Android application developers need to join the Play Store, update that will remove many applications

Thus, the new regulation provides that applications that: [19659004] remain cryptomonads

  • Sell Firearms and Weapons
  • Includes adult content or commercials but addressed to children
  • They are built on automated tools to make spam
  • The first ban will remove applications that are promoted in an unofficial environment. in a way, but in fact hide functions for the exploitation of virtual coins using the resources of mobile phones without the knowledge of the owners at the Cryptomonades mine

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    The second and third mentions are to homogenize the rules of the Android application store with the applicable law on popular weapons and child protection.

    The fourth mention refers to those developers who use the tools to automate the process of creating applications to register multiple versions of the same application

    The Play Store, which at the end of the year last year was 3.5 million applications, follows the open direction of Apple, who carried out the same type of cleaning a year ago.

    In fact, after updating the rule and deleting applications that were not compliant, the App Store

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