Google will receive a MASSIVE fine from the European Commission because of the Android monopoly


The European Commission will impose Google a record $ 4.3 billion ($ 5 billion) because of its Android operating system, according to Reuters, citing an anonymous source

. Competition, Margrethe Vestager, will confirm Wednesday, at a press conference Wednesday, why the Android operating system is currently dominant in more than 80% of global smartphones

. was also fined $ 2.4 billion because of its online shopping search service.

The amount that Google could pay would not be the highest that the US computer company should pay for this following an investigation by the European Commission. The record is held by Apple, which has to repay the European Union 15.4 billion US dollars – the bulk of which is destined for Ireland.

Other US computer companies that have been fined Microsoft are fined about twice 1.4 billion euros, Intel was fined 1 billion euros, or Facebook, with a fine of 110 million euros.

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