Google's reaction after the European Commission sanctioned the company with $ 5 billion



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Google used Google as $ 5 billion in Android because it "incorrectly" promoted its applications on Android phones, which put its competitors at a disadvantage. to promote their search engine. They denied European consumers the right to benefit from effective competition in mobile telephony. " said Margrethe Vestegar, European Commissioner for Regional Policy, in a press release issued by CNN

Thus, the European Commission has determined that Google has violated the law by requiring cell phone manufacturers that are not in the same position. they install Chrome apps as a condition of use of the app store.

At the same time, the company is accused of paying large sums to manufacturers and operators of mobile phones. applications on phones before they go on sale, preventing smart devices from having other search engines on Android phones

The survey started in 2015 as a result of a complaint from Fairsearch, a trade group that included members such as Microsoft, Nokia, and Oracle.

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Looking ahead: International experts come to Bucharest [19659009] Among the allegations made to the company, there is an obligation for gadget makers to use the Google search engine and the Google Chrome browser before accessing the website. 39, app store. The applications are compatible only with the Android operating system developed by Google, free for electronics manufacturers.

The BBC reported during the day that the EU could force the company to separate both the Chrome browser and other system services.

On the other hand, Google representatives have denied the allegations.

"The committee's approach would mean less innovation, less choice, less competition and higher prices" said the head of international affairs. Google

" Android has created more options, not less, for everyone.A dynamic ecosystem, rapid innovation and lower prices are fundamental features of a strong competition.

Earlier, Margrethe Vestager, Commissioner of the European Commission for Regional Policy, has decided that Google will pay $ 2.8 billion for the online shopping system, but Google

After the decision of the European Commission Wednesday, Google has 90 days to end these practices, or could be the target of new sanctions Google head: Android has created more options, not less

options for thousands of mobile phone manufacturers and network operators, millions of app developers around the world who have built their businesses with Android and milliar "Today, the European Commission has adopted a decision to initiate anti-competitive practices against Android and its model for the use of high-end Android smartphones," said Sundar Pichai, Google's CEO.

. business. The decision ignores the fact that phones with the Android operating system are competing with iOS phones, a confirmed 89% of market participants made by the Commission. Also overlooks the fact that Android offers countless choices to thousands of mobile phone manufacturers and network operators that produce and sell Android devices; millions of app developers around the world who have built their business with Android and billions of consumers who now allow and use advanced Android smartphones. When you buy an Android phone, you choose one of the two most popular mobile platforms in the world – one that has expanded the range of phones available worldwide, "said the source. quoted in a blog post

today, thanks to the Android system, there are more than 24 000 devices, at various prices, among more than 1300 different brands, including Finnish, French, German, Italian, Latvian, Dutch, Polish, Romanian and Spanish, Swedish and Hungarian. The phones produced by these companies are different, but they share the ability To run the same applications, no phone makers are required to adopt these rules, they can use or edit Android in the way they want, Pichai claims that Amazon has manufactured tablets and sticks Fire Television

"If they want to re sure, open-source platforms must make the effort to meet the needs of each user. History shows that the lack of basic compatibility rules leads to the fragmentation of open-source platforms, which affects users, developers, and phone manufacturers. Android compatibility rules do not allow to make an attractive long-term offer for everyone, "said Google CEO.

He explained that through the Android operating system, a regular phone can it has pre-installed up to 40 applications from several developers, not just from the company where the phone is purchased.A practitioner, a regular Android phone user will install about 50 apps

Overall, the l & # 39; year More than 94 billion apps from the Google Play app store have been downloaded, browsers like Opera Mini and Firefox have been downloaded more than 100 million times, the UC browser more than 500 million times.

"There is a considerable difference compared to the situation in the 1990s and early 2000s – in the era of dial-up. From here to here, changing pre-installed applications to the computer or adding new ones was technically cumbersome and took a lot of time. Google's Android decision ignores the new range of options and clear evidence of how people use their phones, "says Sundar Pichai.

He said that over the last 10 years, Google has invested billions of dollars to access the Android version so that phone makers have the opportunity to pre-install popular Google applications (such as Search, Chrome, Play, Maps and Gmail), some of which generate revenue for the company and guarantee that the phone will be directly put into use

"Phone manufacturers are not required to include our services and are free to pre-install competing applications with ours, which means that we only get revenue if our applications are installed and people choose to use them instead of competing applications. " , said the head of Google.

Sundar Pichai also appreciates the free distribution of the platform and the Android suite The Google app is effective not only for the tel manufacturers ephones and operators but also for developers and consumers

"Until now, the Android business model has allowed us to no longer ask the phone manufacturers to pay for the technology we offered it, and we also did not depend on a strictly controlled distribution scheme. We have always considered that enlargement brings more responsibilities. A healthy and prosperous Android ecosystem is in the interest of all and we have shown that we are ready to make changes. But we are worried that today's decision (European Commission fine) will destroy the good balance we have with Android and sends a worrying signal in favor of patented systems at the expense of open platforms ", said the general manager of the company.

He also announced that Google had the intention to challenge the decision of the European Commission [googlechrome” class=”img-responsive img-responsive article-picture”/>
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Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist

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