Great Britain: Brexit Minister David Davis resigned – International


Brexit Minister David Davis resigned from the British government, the BBC said. Her resignation comes days after Theresa May secured Cabinet support for the Brexit Plan, despite criticisms that she was "sweet" and that, in reality, it was a Brexit by her name.
Monday, May is to submit to British legislators proposals on a "free trade zone for goods."

Davis was appointed in 2016 and was responsible for negotiating the withdrawal of the EU from the United Kingdom
. ] And Steven Baker, secretary of Brexit, announced his resignation shortly after Davis' announcement.

For both sides, the uncompromising Eurosceptics and the fervent supporters of the EU, the agreement is insufficient. In the opinion of John Longworth, president of "Leave Means Leave", Theresa May is trying to deceive the pro-Brexit. "Brexitis may mean BRINO-Brexit in name only – a fake Brexit."

Pro-EU Labor MP Chuka Umunna spoke of a new madman who is putting us all in a worse situation. "

According to the Times, Theresa May adopted a hard line and promised her allies to dismiss Foreign Minister Boris Johnson who supported Brexit's" he was trying to "undermine the government. The British Government reaffirms that it is in the interests of both parties to reach an agreement on Brexit, scheduled for 29 March 2019.

According to the position paper of the Government, the ministers say that they agreed to negotiate a "free trade area" for goods ", which will allow the UK to have a common regulation for all goods in a common customs territory . This would allow the United Kingdom to establish its own tariffs and enter into new free trade agreements. They also agreed that the Parliament would have the power to decide whether or not the United Kingdom would continue to follow Community law in the future.

The patience of British companies "is exhausted" by the lack of clarity of the government

] The British Chambers of Commerce (BCA), which brings together 52 regional chambers of commerce of the United Kingdom, called for more clarity on trade relations with the EU after the Brexit scheduled for the end of March 2019 and the cessation of the political conflicts that hindered the London talks with Brussels.

"For two years, businesses have been patient." We supported the need of the government to find the best possible solution for the British economy. "BCC, in a press release

" Now that the UK release date is approaching, and that the patience of the business is exhausted, "he said bluntly [19659004] The BCC pointed out that the prolonged uncertainty over trade relations on both sides of the Channel was an obstacle to business investment. latest figures from the National Statistics Office released last week report a 0.4% decline in business investment in the United Kingdom in the first quarter.

The organization also released a list of 24 major questions I put British companies on the practical consequences of Brexitu and expects a response from the government.

According to the BCC, only two of these questions were made – the employment of Europeans s in the UK after Brexit and industry standards were met. But companies complain that there is no concrete answer to all the other issues, including airfreight, the presence or the absence of additional visas for travel expenses. business in Europe or the possible introduction of tariffs for trade between the UK and the EU. , council and advertising also expressed concern in an open letter to Prime Minister Theresa May. Recalling that this sector has 4.6 million employees, contributes 188 billion pounds to the country's economy and is a major services exporter across the UK, these professionals call on the government to consider their contribution to the EU negotiations.

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