Guşă, a reaction to Vâlcov's attacks: "He and Dragnea want reality TV for them"


Political adviser Cozmin Guşa takes it to Darius Vâlcov, personal adviser to Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă, said Realitatea TV has a debt of 121 million lei to the state budget, stating that Vâlcov had a "criminal offense" and Liviu Dragnea and he want to take television. "For me, Darius Vâlcov is a great personal disappointment, probably the biggest political disappointment among the young people I helped, that's why I did not speak out, but now with this vicious tirade, a Speech of a criminal, I must make some clarifications:

  • 1. A very knowledgeable friend told me that Darius Vâlcov and Dragnea do not want to close the reality, they really want the reality for them and they have all the mechanisms at the finance department to do it.We have proposed more than once to pay the full debt, have refused, done tricks, they also changed the boss of ANAF during the night to give further indications, have put Misa under the coordination of Orlando.S; they have the paintings together, they have a television together [19659004] 2. These debts that. they mention were made by their friends, their protectors, their s bribes, Elan Schwartzenberg, Vantu, and all have led to insolvency this extremely respectable structure today called Realitatea TV and Realitatea Media
  • We have shown these days how they have been bribed Elan Schwartzenberg or the Paunescu family with money directly from the state, that is to say from the Ministry of Finance administered by Darius Valcov
  • 3. Reality benefits from the law on insolvency. Make sure that everything that is done and monitored by the syndic judge and the court administrator is in accordance with the law, the law has been observed since we took power.

4. I understand that they made us crooks, they did me … Woe to his head, the poor, the bad guys came. In fact, woe to their heads. He and Dragnea turn into judges of others, provided that one and the other are sentenced in the first instance, "Cozmin Guşă, for STIRIPESURSE.RO,

Darius Vâlcov, personal adviser Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă, announced Friday that Realitatea TV has a debt of 121 million lei to the state budget

"We have the mafia of insolvency, we have a mafia in the customs, we will make the law on insolvency. you are in a state of insolvency, you are a big sucker, all these companies have debts of 62 billion lei, Realitatea TV has a debt of 121.4 million lei at the end of last month, and adds a a million debts each month. did not even pay a leu to the state budget, and even the contributions to them (for employees) for pensions or for health are not paid, and about 9.2 billion lei hold back debts. I mean, the company keeps them. For seven years, there is no case, because the law says if you do not go out of bankruptcy. In the case of Realitatea, two companies own Realitatea and each one has one, three are insolvent and the other has nine, or 13 in the event of insolvency held by a number of shareholders. . All these crooks will disappear, said Válcov.

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