Gush: Politicians, upset when reflected. Orban to find out where the negative opinion comes from


Realitatea TV and realitatea.NET elected Ludovic Orban as the weakest president of the PNL in a poll on the site. As a result, the liberal leader should not deny the accuracy of the investigation, but find out where the negative view of the viewer is – you think you are close to the liberal trend, says Cozmin Guşa. The political consultant analyzed, in an intervention to Realitatea TV, the evolution of the NLP in the mandate of Orban.

"If Orban or other political leaders authorize us not to seriously treat those whose whereabouts they are not respecting our audience, this inquiry is made by the public Realitatea TV and realitatea.NET, those who wanted to decide at this stage on the weakest leader of the PNL, tomorrow on UDMR, then PSD, "said Cozmin Guşă

Observers Realitatea TV readers and realitatea.NET need to express their opinion on the leaders of those parties who have governed us and must be critical of them, says the political consultant.

Guess: NLP takes it badly because it's misdirected

"In this case, with things that can be proven, every viewer who has gone into reality .NET could vote and only once.If Orban respected us, he would ask us the results of the investigation to analyze them.If interested, he should analyze where the negative opinion of him comes from our viewers and readers ", said Gusa.

The political consultant explained that the series of polls began with NLP because it is considered that

"Nine is good for us that they are angry, the public is hurt by this behavior who tells them that politicians do not care and that they are disturbed when they are reflected in front of them, everyone knows how I am, and Dragnea knows that Romania is in the swamps, she has a very strong government. UDMR knows that it has an anti-national policy, "says Cozmin Guşă.

The fact that the LDP meets alone and that the NLP no longer meets is a huge underperformance after more than a year of Orban's term.

"Orban should admit the truth – probably that the mayor of the city does not listen, that many counties agree with Dragnea, Toader and Iordache." They are lined up on criminal and do not want actions that go against the anti-justice strategy, "Guşa explains.

Realitatea TV's political broadcasts want to show the truth to citizens, to help them vote better, highlights the political advisor, adding that this type of polls shows us that Realitatea viewers think correctly.

"The NLP is so bad today because it is misdirected. In a coach, I am a driver and a tour guide. The driver is Orban. If for more than a year there were hundreds of thousands of people against Dragnea and the whistling, you, as an alternative, you can not convince some of the protesters to come by your side, to see new faces? ! They are interested in surviving. When the mirror is in front of them, they are very upset, "revealed Cozmin Guşă.

The liberals are not going to turn the phones "left and right" after the results of the investigation Realitatea, but to come on TV "to express their opinion in the face of criticism of our journalists, but who are the voice of the public, "added the political consultant. "I am sorry that the NLP has become a reality," he added.

The country is like a profit-making enterprise, and politicians should come and bring solutions to improve, says Guşa.

PSD, bullying actions in the counties to reduce the rally on August 10

PSD strives to reduce the scale of the anti-PSD rally announced by the Romanians in the diaspora for August 10, reveals the political consultant: "The PSD, through the Mai of Ms. Carmen Dan, generates intimidation actions.They want to impose a certain level of terror at the level of the county, so that people do not take it to Bucharest at the rally, but Romanians from abroad have earned their bread, being afraid and no longer afraid. "

Cozmin Guşă announces that Realitatea TV and realitatea.NET will give the public the opportunity to give their opinion on parties that There are no more mandates on the political scene, like USR, ALDE or PMP, in another series investigations to be launched this autumn

. "For sociological research, we will use an institute to do the rest parties.We will not have to question our presidents.As the electoral temperature increases," said the political advisor.

Iohannis and Tariceanu, liberal battle

Back to the PNL, there is a battle between Klaus Iohannis and Calin Popescu Tariceanu – […] The serious solution to which the PNL could lead would be, without any major leader deemed to merge with Tariceanu. Iohannis stays in the offside. If he wants to be active, he has a chance, otherwise, he will not have supporters in the political field. "[196590022] We recall that, according to a poll published on realitatea.NET, the weakest president of the NLP is Ludovic Orban

  • 29, 40% of those who voted believe that the current leader of the National Liberal Party had the worst performance up here to the leadership of the party
  • Orban is followed by the current leader of ALDE, Calin Popescu Tariceanu ( 20, 08% ) who was the president of the PNL from October 2, 2004 to March 20, 2009.
  • The third place, according to the interviewed leader of the PNL, is the tandem Vasile Blaga and Alina Gorghiu. 11.65% of those who participated in the survey believe that both, who led the destinies of the party between the end of 2014 and December 2016, did not do a good job., S, id) {
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