Gynecological diseases, cancers and difficult bariatric cases – now usable with the best-performing Da Vinci Xi robot from Monza hospital


One of the most successful practices is robotic surgery which involves interventions using a state-of-the-art computerized system. It is the da Vinci Xi robot recently acquired by the hospital from Monza in Bucharest, a precision instrument that helps the surgeon to see 10 times better , to enter operate with milimetric finesse, even in the most difficult structures

The da Vinci Xi robot is particularly recommended in the cases of Gynecology urology or Here are some of them most common conditions that can be exploited with the da Vinci Xi robot.

Uterine Fibroma

This is the pathology of the most common gynecological encounter sphere in women. Uterine fibroid is a benign tumor (non-cancerous) that develops in the uterine muscle layer

.In some cases, the dimensions of fribromatous nodules also reach the size of a term load. However, most women with uterine fibroids have no clinical sign of disease, which makes this disease even more dangerous


This is the only one in the world. one of the most common causes of infertility. in the case of women. Endometriosis involves the development of the endometrium – that is, the internal lining of the uterus – in abnormal places at its presence

In advanced stages, the disease affects both the internal genitalia and the rectum. and manifests as intense pain during menstruation, urination, or intercourse.

Prostate Cancer

Affects particularly senior men. Seven out of ten men aged 70 develop prostate cancer. Among the symptoms of blockage caused by the growth of the tumor in the prostate, we find: frequent urge to urinate, difficulty in controlling the urinary flow, painful sensations during urination and even the presence of blood in the urine or sperm

the prostate is difficult to operate because there are nerve endings easy to injure, passing through or near the prostate. One of these possible complications is erectile dysfunction, for example

With the help of the Da Vinci Xi robot, high-precision interventions can be made to isolate structures that you need to preserve from those that you need to eliminate [19659003] Kidney cancer

The abnormal development of cells in renal tissue (kidneys) is manifested by . In the early stages, this type of cancer does not give any visible sign, but can be manifested by: presence of blood in the urine, fatigue, lateral pain, increase in blood pressure or loss of appetite [19659003] Renal cancer is of several types (renal cell carcinoma being the most common) and may be present even in children over 6 months of age.

Assisted robotics has become the gold standard in the treatment of kidney tumors because it allows: fine dissections, shorter periods of hospitalization, reduced intra-operative bleeding, reduced risk of complications and pain Postoperative reduced


This comes packed with a multitude of complications and health problems – which surpasses the aesthetic need to perform bariatric surgery. Usually, for patients with morbid obesity, there are a number of associated diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension or various other heart diseases, if we list only a few some of the most common.

In such cases, the difficulty of surgery is doubled. Robotic surgery accompanies a very good support, allowing the surgeon to see in depth, to intervene with precise movements, and to provide a fast, painless and painless recovery process. other post-operative complications for the patient.


Robotic surgery is the most modern form of minimally invasive surgery a step forward for medicine. The da Vinci Xi robot, in the hands of good surgeons, with solid training and experience, can solve extremely difficult cases that are difficult to solve by conventional or laparoscopic surgery.

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