Hans Klemm, severe critic of the offshore law


The US official says that all the principles of transparency and negotiation have been violated and that "it is debatable". "This law was first voted on Monday at 15:00 and passed at 22:00," said the US diplomat.

Asked whether the democratic forces should intervene in the law of justice in the NATO member states or the EU said: "Romania is trying to consolidate its democratic institutions, including a independent judiciary and at times, when we were worried, we tried, privately and publicly, to make our concerns known. " Recently linked to cybersecurity, terrorism and organized crime. "

He also referred to US investors, present in all economic sectors in Romania, and said that he had always urged the government to be more predictable:" Improvements can be made at any time. I've always urged the government to be much more predictable in terms of the economy, taxation, more stable and transparent change and to consult the business community.

The US ambassador also criticized the way Parliament passed the offshore law governing the exploitation of Black Sea gas, he said that all the principles of transparency and negotiation were violated

"Unfortunately, all these regulations have not been standardized by recent governments." adopted a new law on the exploitation of natural gas in the Black Sea, which the President n & # 39; It has not yet been promulgated, so I have to be careful, but this law was first put to the vote on Monday at 3 pm and passed at 10 pm It was very fast, but it violated all principles of transparency and negotiation, that is doubtful, "said Klemm.

Hans Klemm was present at the Rasnov Film and History Festival on Saturday, where he participated in a debate with French Ambassador Michele Ramis and German Ambassador Cord Meier-Klodt .

The offshore law regulating the exploitation of Black Sea gas was adopted by the Chamber of Deputies as a decision-making body at the extraordinary session which ended on Friday.

The head of the PSD, Liviu Dragnea, argued that the law, adopted by the Chamber of Deputies in a very different form from that adopted by the Senate, will help Romania to no longer rely energetically on the Russians

. 50% of all production will have to be marketed on the Romanian market and profits will be directed towards public-private partnerships.

"We could not accept that Romania maintains its energy dependence on the Russians … The fact that we have placed 50% of production on bilateral contracts and 50% on the Romanian market means that the Romania becomes one of the few countries in the world that becomes energetically independent, "said Dragnea

.The law was changed from that adopted by the Senate even though it was discussed in committees He argues that the total amount collected by the Romanian state will exceed $ 20 billion after the adoption of the new measures.

This law provoked controversy within the coalition PSD-ALDE, the ALDE spokesman, Varujan Vosganian, ALDE wanted to appear in the offshore law is not found and "urgent action on the normative act" is required. that within the Coalition, he had not been able to As a result of the dialogue on this normative act, the ALDE proposals were negatively approved by the government and the ALDE legislators were in a "delicate situation".

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