hard drive with artificial intelligence


Security in overcrowded areas passes to the next level with artificial intelligence. In this scenario, the Seagate AI hard drive will have a major impact.

How does security and surveillance technology evolve not only to make our lives safer, but also to help our cities? In addition, do better, cleaner and provide information that will make life easier?

CCTV technology now serves many useful purposes beyond traditional security. This technology allows businesses and other organizations to gather information about how their business works and to improve customer experiences and processes in the business, says Playtech.

but video quality enhancement helps retailers better understand consumer behavior

Cities, on the other hand, may recognize better traffic patterns to divert attention from traffic lanes , accidents and bottlenecks, as well as to increase efficiency, improve roads, save energy resources and reduce environmental pollution by making pollution more efficient.

Seagate has been able to provide storage solutions for Super Bowl surveillance, storing the content of more than 500 rooms of different rooms 24/7. The estimated daily content was an amber of 22 TB and was to be stored for 90 days. A huge amount of video of 2,000 TB that did not accept the absence of frame

Discover how a hard disk with artificial intelligence will change the world

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