Have you ever thought of an autonomous Ford Mustang? Goodwood can do it!


This year, at the 2018 Goodwood Festival of Speed, we have a new first for story pages: the first climb to the famous Goodwood Hill with a fully autonomous car. You're probably expecting a futuristic model, but in fact, it's a Ford Mustang since 1965.

The project is a collaboration between Siemens and Cranfield University, and the Mustang will attempt this first on Thursday, July 12, and will repeat the challenge every day until Sunday. The organizers promise that the test will be broadcast live throughout the festival.

What does the car look like? Well, the old Mustang was "dressed" in a "coat" of money, specially thought to remember the 25 years of the festival. In addition, the car will be located for visitors to learn more about standalone technology and about a possible career at Siemens at the center of the event.

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