"He risks becoming a driver!" English knows how to ask for a beer "Who protects the player?"


Thursday, 05 July, 20:18

Olimpiu Moruţan was criticized by Valeriu Iftime, boss of FC Botosani, with FCSB

19-year-old midfielder was blamed by the boss of his former team that & ## 39; he did not attend Bacalaureat exam and that he went to the camp with red-blue training

" It bothers me that Moruţan does not show up at BAC, it's a black ball from my point of view I took a lot to pass this exam, she had to come in. If she decided to give it, she would not go to camp Steaua 's training and would not hire a teacher to prepare him for 2

He could have missed two weeks in the training camp, not at that time he shows that he was not in charge. he has value and he must be the owner, he must not hurry I told him now it is more important to promote BAC than to stay for two years x weeks at the training camp. Me, when he was in Botosani, I forced him to go to school at least a day a week. After a year, he has forgotten everything.

At 30, if you have an accident and you do not have a bachelor's degree, you can have problems. If you do not have money, you get a shooter. That's the lesson I tell young players. We teach children to cut, go to the disco and have money. We need to model them, encourage them to read and search for information. Moruţan knows a little English to ask for a beer. He knows of the audience "said Valeriu Iftime at TV Digi Sport

" Under no circumstances could he be absent from the camp. Being new, they must do the training with the team. Now he wins his football money. Yes, it's good to have BAC, but football is more important now. I do not know if Mayweather has the exam. I agree to give the baccalaureate, but he wants. It is normal that you have the BAC. Helmuth Duckadam, President of the FCSB Image

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