He spent $ 36 million with his girlfriend, then she put him in jail


A man in China is likely to spend many years in prison after spending $ 36 million with his girlfriend. After running out of money, the woman not only left him, but helped the prosecutors to sentence him to jail.

Zhang Xiaoen is the son of successful businessmen in Hangzhou, China. The 29-year-old boy fell in love with Yang Yizhen, a popular model on social networks

The man loved him so much that she had spent 10 million dollars to satisfy the whims of his lover. Just as [l'argentn'étaitpaslesienmaisillesavolésdescomptesdesparentsetdelacompagniequ'ilsontpossédéeMais10millionsn'étaientpasassezpourplaireaumodèleIlempruntadoncàsesamisfortunésdegrossessommesd'argentqu'ilgaspillaitdanslescasinosdeMacaodansl'espoirqu'ilauraitdelachanceetrécupéreraitlessommesduesrapporteOddityCentral

Thus, in casinos, on clothes and cosmetics , luxury cars and trips to Dubai, Zhang came to spend $ 36 million.

As the young man did not pay his debts, he was arrested by the police, accused of fraud. Yizhen quickly became an old girlfriend. In addition, she provided information to prosecutors to help convict the man who gave her everything.

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Photo Source: Weibo

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