Health Alert Supermarkets demand frozen vegetables and fruit. Suspicions of Listeria


ANSVSA announced that Romania could also be among the European countries affected by the contamination of frozen products with Listeria bacteria. As a precaution, many supermarkets urge their customers to return these foods – mostly frozen vegetables and fruit.

The chain stores stated in their announcement that there was no concrete confirmation that the products in question would contain Listeria so that they would be non-compliant. # 39; a qualitative point of view, but they recommend not to

The list of products suspected of contamination can be found HERE

Listeria bacteria can cause serious damage to the stomach or intestines. The symptoms resemble the flu. The problem may be aggravated in the case of pregnant women, children, the elderly or immunocompromised persons

In other European countries, nine people lost their lives after consuming such frozen products contaminated. 19659003]

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