Helpful: A new drug to treat Alzheimer's disease has promising results; Which dishes bring your end? You will not believe how many times you eat them; Eight habits that can aggravate back pain; – Useful


Which dishes bring you an end? You will not believe how often you eat them You have the impression that a sandwich eaten in the morning is a good breakfast. Fast things are not always the best, it's known. The sausages used in them are made of processed meat, full of E and calories. Combined with bread, mayonnaise or all kinds of cheeses, and processed, are not healthy foods. Avoid anything that does not have a natural color. In addition to the fact that they are not healthy if they have colors that are more alive than necessary, a study has been done that every color of the food we eat influences the behavior, according to Ciao . children's skin and how to solve it Skin disorders in children can vary considerably in terms of symptoms and severity. Some have situational causes: if we stay too much in the sun, for example, or in children with atopic terrain, where we go to a pool where we use a lot of chlorine, atopic dermatitis lesions will not be delayed. Do not forget that it is good for parents to contact the pediatrician if the minor has suspicious lesions that refuse to pass within 24 hours, but instead they are accompanied by redness, itching, swelling of skin, temperature change, according to Unica.

Eight habits that can aggravate back pain. 80% of Romanians were described in the 2015 study, another research, whose result was made public in 2016, showed that one in five Romanian suffered from inflammatory back pain and For years, doctors have drawn attention to the fact that sedentary lifestyles have led to an alarming increase in the number of young patients with spinal disorders. The fact that we spend 8 to 9 hours on the chair in the office damages the back, but if we add a bad posture, the problems of the column are inevitable, because the pressure exerted on the joints, the muscles and the intervertebral disks increases


A new drug to treat Alzheimer's disease has promising results. According to the results published by the International Conference of the Alzheimer's Association in Chicago, the drug could be the first of its kind to manage changes in the brain as well as the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. "Clinical trials show changes in injuries and cognition," said Dr. Reisa Sperling, director of the Alzheimer's Research and Treatment Center in Brigham, who was not involved in the study. The NY Times writes that alongside some drugs that slow the decline of memory for several months, there is no effective treatment for Alzheimer's disease, a disease that affects 44 million people in the world. It is estimated that these numbers will triple by 2050, according to Discover.

The adrenal glands give signs when they do not work properly. The symptoms of this disease also cause an excess of cortisol. The onset of the disease is slow and without characteristic image. Headaches, fatigue, physical asthenia and decreased intellectual performance, joint pain, bones and muscles, palpitations, numbness and tingling appear. Patients tend to gain weight with central obesity, high blood pressure, increased blood sugar up to diabetes, changes in the menstrual cycle, sexual dyskinesia, hirsutism, virilization. The skin is characteristic of pink-purple stretch marks on the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, breasts. They are a few inches long and up to 2 centimeters wide, according to the doctor of the day.

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