Helpful: Premiere: A molecule that helps stabilize the HIV virus has been discovered; Foods that you can abuse! Full of nutrients and low in calories The effect of coffee on the liver. Foods that help the functioning of this organ – Useful


A molecule that helps stabilize the HIV virus has been discovered. Researchers have identified a key molecule exploited by the HIV virus, and discovery is of major importance in the destruction of the disease. Using a new microscopy technique, the researchers isolated a molecule called inositol hexacisphosphate (IP6). Experts believe that the virus attacks this molecule to infect cells. The genetic makeup of viruses, such as HIV, is covered by a protein called capsid, which helps the virus to cross the immune system and transmit the infection to cells, writes
The foods you can abuse! Full of nutrients and low in calories. The red melon is salty and sweet and contains only 30 calories per 100 g, but it contains a lot of antioxidants, bringing many benefits to the person who consumes it and mentioning that it speeds up the metabolism . Napii are rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals, proteins, fiber and phytonutrients. 100 g have only 49 calories, you can eat them in salads, sandwiches, or even make fries turnips, write
The effect of coffee on the liver. Foods that help the functioning of this organ. The strongest enemies of liver health are French fries, fast food and sausages. Allies include fiber, broccoli, coffee, green tea and herbs. If you can not start your day without coffee, then you will be happy to know that this liquor is beneficial to the liver. The research that has been done so far shows that three cups a day can protect this organ from alcohol and nutrition deficiencies. Other studies even suggest that they would protect against the risk of liver cancer, writes The Truth.
Countries that kill their citizens through pollution and neglect . According to an estimate of the World Health Organization (WHO), 4.2 million people die each year because of pollution. The problem is even more serious in Asia, where the WHO estimates that about 88% of premature deaths can be attributed to air pollution. The most targeted countries are low- and middle-income countries, but not only. The numbers are understandable, especially as the number of cars in Beijing rose from 1.5 million in 2000 to more than five million in 2014, according to
Wine, a gift from God, but only if we know how to drink … Even for people suffering from hypertension, a glass of quality wine would have the effect of lowering blood pressure. Most often, however, wine consumption is associated with reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's disease due to the composition of resveratrol, a polyphenol with neuroprotective effects. There are many minerals and vitamins in the wine composition, such as potassium, fluorine, phosphorus, choline, written

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