History of a £ 750,000 book! Romanian young man cheats 66-year-old British girlfriend


Christiane Shellar, a 66-year-old woman in the United Kingdom, sued young Cristian Mihalea, 29, from Romania, to recover $ 750,000. books. She says that she offered him the sum, as a loan, to help her recover her life, according to the Daily Mail .

The woman says that she offered him 500,000 pounds to the young man in Romania to be able to buy an apartment in his name, where she would live until she could afford a mortgage , and £ 160,000 more for Cristian's father's medicine.

The woman also gave her a Panamera Porch 68,000 pounds plus watches to add to her collection. However, Cristian did not follow the established plan, so he put his money in several bank accounts in Romania and then lost them to gambling.

With the money that he n & # 39; Not lost, Cristian bought a £ 4,000 Audemars Piguet, and a Mercedes GLS worth £ 42,000 for his sister Mirela

Cristian Now claims that his only assets are £ 7,444 in a bank account opened in Llyods and a Cartier watch worth £ 4,000

Cristian, who currently runs a hot tub in Fulham, opened at her sister 's name, claims to have spent all the money from her ex – girlfriend, but says that this money was a gift for their 18 – month anniversary relationship, the money that' s they should not give back.

However, the argument advanced by Cristian was not well received by Judge Nicholas Cooke. "You will not get rid of the approaching judgment by saying – It is too late, I spent all the money -" said the judge. "They'll know if you still have the money.The point is … you're saying a bunch of lies." Christiane Shellar met Cristian while he was still working as a distributor in 2016 after the woman divorced from her husband

Source: jurnalul.ro

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