HOROSCOP 11 JULY 2018: The Moon in Gemini …


HOROSCOP 11 JULY 2018: Start the day with the daily horoscope, which helps you know how it will go in love, health or career. The daily horoscope tells you every morning what astrologers say about your zodiac sign, whether you are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Fish. Daily astrological predictions can help you make the right decisions about your sign. The Horoscope of the day is based on the astrogram interpreted by specialists.

HOROSCOP JULY 11, 2018 Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Today, you must use cautious words and be as present in conversations as possible. If you get carried away by impulsiveness, you risk turning any interaction into a struggle, and the words spoken will not only be regretted, but most of the time it's not the truth. Use language and knowledge to create something that inspires you, instead of using them in arguments.

HOROSCOP 11 JULY 2018 Taurus (21 April – 21 May)

How material security is essential for you, today you probably think of solutions to that, which you are also fortunate to find. But beware of the tendency to disperse too much energy and perhaps too much money in torrents of time and frustration. It is also essential to be aware of the words, especially in discussions about money and business. Do not promise more than you can / do not want to do

HOROSCOP 11 JULY 2018 Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

The moon will pass in your solar sign and the astral context is quite ambiguous. It is tempting to look at several directions at once, to disperse in many beginnings and innumerable activities, or to break into one's own thoughts that often result from external buzz. So, today, do things for a long time, avoid important decisions and be more tolerant, both with yourself and with others

HOROSCOP 11 JULY 2018 Cancer (22 June – 22 July)

You need rest, relaxation and discretion. The Gemini Moon in the present astral context has long stirred the spirits and brought many information and directions of judgment far from the truth. They also speak and say many words, some are regrettable. So listen more, talk less, then sort out everything based on intuition and common sense.

HOROSCOP 11 JULY 2018 Leo (23 July – 22 August)

The moon in Gemini is now working on the field of friends and surroundings, so it is possible to perceive the atmosphere as pretty loaded, dynamic and exhausting sometimes. Like everyone wants to ask you something or ask for something and everyone wants to be heard with all that. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the conversations in which you participate and the invitations / requests that you follow so that you can be honest with yourself and save your energy and resources.

HOROSCOP 11 JULY 2018 Virgo (August 23 to 21, September

The words that are addressed to you today by bosses or other persons having authority are either criticism or judgment, you So you have to defend yourself or resist discontent.This is a time when communication tends to be tense, ambiguous and with lots of skirmishes in terms of sincerity and truth.This is therefore a challenge of keep your column upright and say when you do not agree, without being confusing or fighting fights you will not know how to stop them

HOROSCOP JULY 11, 2018 Libra (September 22 – 22 October)

You may choose to catch yourself in small battles, to hold your teeth with a point of view and to see it on a white canvas, or to look beyond it with wisdom, detachment, and patience. solutions, ideas and new ways appropriate at this point in your life. It's about trusting your intelligence and not just the beliefs that limit you.

HOROSCOP 11 JULY 2018 Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

This day can bring you both gifts and favors (especially in the first part of the day), as well as disappointments especially from friends. The most constructive and healthy attitude is the lack of expectations and conditions, no matter how close your targets are. On the other hand, there may be tensions within a group because of disagreements on a project. (1968) Sagittarius (November 22 – December 20)

Today is a very important form of expression of desires, expectations and dissatisfactions in the relationship with others. Harmony in relationships can be preserved or, conversely, can be destroyed by the right attitude. So, even if you are afraid that you will lose anything in terms of image or status, you are still focused on your truth, but do not try to annihilate others. In this way, everyone has the opportunity to think, instead of defending themselves from the beginning.

HOROSCOP 11 JULY 2018 Capricorn (21 December – 19 January)

In your case, there may be a lot of work monsters, so many words flew out of the mouth before being seen and thought. That's why it's good to be aware of this energy of the day and keep as much criticism and stories as possible for you. Any word spoken at the wrong time or a person may cost more than you think. In other words, do not take into account all the rumors that come to your ears, better check before you believe.

HOROSCOP 11 JULY 2018 Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

The humor can take you today any confused or tense situation. Especially when it does not happen to find those who promised something or when your expectations seem to be blocked one after the other. However, try to find creative ways out from any situation and keep your detachment and serenity. Sometimes, even when they seem inappropriate, the contexts you reach are, in fact, ideal for what you need to see and receive.

HOROSCOP 11 JULY 2018 Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

The Moon in Gemini at home and at home. There can be a lot of discussions with relatives, a lot of arguments. There are dissatisfactions gathered, which are unleashed now without any censorship. Therefore, it is very important to keep your balance and to relate to the whole context as a liberator even if you still have no solutions. You can be supported by someone who likes to buy a property for the home.v

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