HOROSCOP JULY 16, 2018: Financial jam, but good luck …


If some people have begun to think about the direction of the project you are working on together, it is probably already a sign that you are approaching a failure and not a problem. a success. Their way of criticizing everything you say or do, their reserved attitude to what to do is not at all beneficial to success, because you can not succeed if you have people with you who reject any proposal. You only hear negative words – you can not, you can not, it does not work, it's not good – and it's normal for everything to come together in such an atmosphere. This is not the most constructive environment you can imagine.

Take more of your soul because you need a day of rest to recharge your batteries. No matter what quiet and enjoyable activity that inspires harmony and peace suits you now, so remember anything that makes you happy and you can not afford it too often. Total relaxation, deaf music, lighted candles, a fire in the fireplace, a good book, and hot tea would match the wonderful atmosphere of today, and if that love affects the decor, then it can be a romantic evening that has healing effect on you. Love is a kind of medicine, because you and your half have the impression of being after a few hours out of two

It's a charity day So all the gestures you are directing today towards you, you have the role of bringing a smile to your face and a stronger hope in your soul. If your gifts are material, you do not even look at the money if you know that their effect is emotional and restore joy in the heart of the one before you. You know that you will be rewarded with the happiness of his eyes or that you will also find something similar exactly when you need support, advice, a good word. With someone you meet today – and it is possible to be a day with a lot of excitement around – you have something to offer with your heart open: that 's it. is a palpable gift or just a compliment, the effect is the same

prove a good organization on several levels simultaneously, that you could be as effective on one plane and another without slipping into the superficiality or negligence. It's like playing two roles at the same time and going softly until the end without any problem. You are probably in the middle between two teams, between two different activities and you manage to immediately focus one on the other successfully. This is a good distributivity of forces, because only you can do it all well at the same time! Well, on an already busy program, you wake up and with extra tasks, you wonder what's right for you!

Go through a risky moment which, though it's not managed calmly and patiently, can be the cause of a big failure that will give you headaches for a long time. But if you do not put yourself in the mouth of the wolf, if you do not risk anything and you do not ruin what you already have, everything will eventually normalize. The temptation to make an incorrect move with the thought of getting yourself out of the box is great, but it's exactly the biggest danger in this case. You can only overcome the impasse by the right means, just by following the right path, otherwise the temptation to go straight ahead will cost you dearly.

Money is hard and today you cheat with a new financial snare in your plans, but do not give up the direction you are headed. Such weights are quite normal, but you do not have to cut your stamina. You are not far from prosperity, profits, financial success, but so far you have lessons to learn and obstacles to overcome with caution. Do not look at your neighbor's yard, have a nice house and a more expensive car, this is not what matters now, because everyone with his luck, after all. You can reach the same level with a lot of work, so go ahead, step by step! where you can afford to breathe fresh air and see the sky above your head. It's like a reconnection to your prime source of energy that you can not find in the middle of the city, in a concrete block or between the four walls at work. No matter how tired you are after a day of work, find time out with your kids at their favorite playground or go to spend a few minutes without a target in the park. You will see what fantastic effects this escape from the dark environment you have experienced all day. Open the windows and charge the elements of nature through all the senses!

You have reached a point in your plans where you can afford to look into those around you. You are no longer only concerned with your own person, but with your own wishes, but with the necessary state of giving, giving advice, putting yourself at the service of those who need you. It is assumed that you have already accumulated so much life experience that you are able to learn others, so you forget today, your time, your plans, and see how you can help those who do not know where to go . This altruism is usually you, but today you take it to the maximum, you sacrifice yourself completely to show others a way

Do not look in the right direction for your current goals? You have drawn your attention to a certain direction that attracts you, but it may be that the one that suits you is not this one, but another, the parallel that you did not even notice. You may have many warning signs that you are not on the right track, and you are meeting again and again with the possibility of starting in the other direction, so watch for these signals because this could be the obvious and insistent case, so you can not keep going. It's like meeting each other again and again with the same thing as you start thinking more seriously about what's going on. Because he has something to say to you: look for its meaning!

Do not hold back a banal hops, because such moments are absolutely natural in the process in which you are involved. Even if nothing goes ahead, you will find that even those moments of rest have their reason to be, attract a little your soul, look at the most detached things on the edge. Allow this welcome welcome and enjoy peace, even if you wanted to get results faster. The project you are developing now is like the school calendar: you have one hour, then a break, another hour, then another break.

It's a day with great success in everything related to school, career, relationship with important institutions, as if you were getting exactly the answer you Finally, you need to say that you have reached the peak of your efforts. It's a day when you are honestly appreciated for what you do, you get a good grade that can be proud of you everywhere, find the optimal solution to the problem that concerns you or you put the last point in full success to a project to which you attach special importance. Your image, your reputation, your position and your reputation can only be won by the best results.

Do not misunderstand the preconceptions you have had for a long time and which have become solid principles of life. Everything can change, even obsolete concepts, even fixed ideas, so be more malleable when you hear new ideas. Even if you are tempted to reject them right now, you will come to the conclusion that they are much better and deserve to be implemented. It is necessary to quickly review the plans you have developed here or to perform a retrospective analysis of certain milestones, as there is definitely another perspective, which is becoming more and more obvious at the horizon today. 39; hui. Did you think that it could not be otherwise?

This horoscope is provided by acvaria.com

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