Horoscope for the week of July 23 to 29, 2018 | Online publications


The beginning of the week brings to your attention relations with foreigners. You can plan a few trips to the northern regions, but it seems that those who are near the house are more successful. Others can handle the training required for the job. Looks like you have backlogs in the field of studies, so take care of the sector. At work, you have a lot to do, but choose priorities. Be careful in college relations. Others do not look good to your success. In the days of 25 and 26 July there may be tensions in relations with the bosses. They may blame you, but you will be able to overcome all good. Explain your actions and your attitude in a few words. In the second half of the week, the stars send friends and protectors to help them. You can find interesting information about a sentimental relationship that has emerged. Do not take everything you hear well. Organize a little party for your loved ones and leave your worries aside.

In your case, the stars recommend financial matters for the beginning of the week. It is a question of paying taxes, taxes or debts of any nature whatsoever. Pay attention to the salary received from a job! It is likely that it will come in or go down. The major challenge of the next few days is to find a balance between material and spiritual values. Because the level of life energy fluctuates, just cope with light tasks. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, the desire for refinement will intensify. Visiting art galleries, museums, watching plays or attending seminars on spiritual themes are best suited. At the end of the period analyzed, conflict situations arise at a professional level. Be careful! Your hustle and bustle of fun and adventure may displease others. Gemini
In the first days of the week, astrologers recommend that you manage the relationships and collaborations with which you are involved or that you wish to involve. You seem dissatisfied with the way things worked in a common project, but the problem is just right for you. Interval 25 July 27 brings to your attention the financial aspects related to money and property of others. Pay taxes, debts, debts of any kind, or check, as the case may be, the status of bank documents or legacy documents. You have to pay attention to what is happening at home and with family members. Communication is deficient, we think, and another is said. A family member may have health problems or other problems and must help. For the last days of the analyzed interval, please direct your efforts towards cultural activities.

Employment needs open for you the week. Collective relationships leave much to be desired, with possible disadvantages of all kinds. Do your best, because your body is tired. It avoids consultations, medical tests and surgery in the first part of the week. Wednesday and Thursday are possible dialogues with your life partner. He may reproach you for leaving recently or settling other people's affairs at the expense of the family. You can also undertake studies, perhaps outside the country. However, exams, interviews, and the ability to assimilate knowledge are not supported during this time. It is good to approach the education segment with caution and try to avoid major decisions. Relationships with the closest entourage are good, but there are also grudges, because the daily spirit is in a cone of shadow. At the end of the week there are financial problems.

Start the merry and orderly week. You put the boys, but the others do not want your jokes. For friends, questions that have not been well understood or have not been resolved will be discussed. Some friends might be able to escape and get closer to others. If you are involved in humanitarian organizations, you may find unpleasant things and try to detach yourself. Or there is the possibility of joining other groups whose mentalities or goals are closer to your soul. Sentimental relationships have highs and lows, but it is advisable not to pay attention. Be careful, however, since justice is on the side of others. The days of July 25 and 26 bring you a lot of pleasure at work. Collective relationships are strained, but it would be good to take care of your business and not respond to the challenges. Health is vulnerable to the heart segment. Avoid consultations, medical analysis and surgery as much as possible. Rest longer and use only natural remedies. Towards the end of the week, the stars recommend dealing with your partner's relationships.

The first days of the week draw attention to household affairs. There are good times for general cleaners, interior renovations or current repairs. Relationships with family members are strained because you spend too much time at work. In the professional field, situations that have not been properly overcome at other stages of life will be discussed. There may be a restriction of benefits or relationships with the bosses to get into the shadow of the conflicts. Note that your image in the eyes of others should be improved. Daily thinking is pretty confusing, so be sure to make decisions of any kind. Perhaps practicing the lesson of silence would be more appropriate for the period of travel. The relationship with the loved one can experience fluctuations, but they are passersby. By the end of the week are routine tasks.

At the beginning of the week, you are more on the roads. It is possible to plan your trips for business and personal purposes. However, the twists and turns of the situation can be frequent, so they carefully check all the details. Relationships with foreigners become hostile and may reiterate past situations that have not been resolved or properly understood. You can find unpleasant news about a loved one, but do not get the good of everything you hear. Thought and communication are deficient, so that they avoid decisions or conclusions. In the days of 25 and 26 July, the most common activities are domestic. You can successfully complete the general cleaning, interior rebuilding, or you can think about buying a new home. Meet family members about your mood. Your soul needs insight and a lot of peace. Creativity is at a high level, and his art and characters can make you very happy.

The week begins with financial problems. You can take care of your daily purchases or check your budget of income and expenses. Gifts and rewards can be frequent. Financial problems related to taxes, duties or debts of any kind may arise. Check carefully the documents of money and goods because you can find irregularities. Redefining the scale of moral and material values ​​is one of the current lessons. The days of 25 and 26 July attract the attention of relatives and friends. Dialogues with them may displease you, but they are important. You have many supporters in all your efforts, but there are fake people around you. He discovers tips and implicit suggestions. Only act after being firmly convinced that you are heading in the desired direction. For the last days of the week, the stars recommend household chores. A family reunion or photo album can bring you a lot of peace and quiet.

The beginning of this week brings you to the attention of everyone. You are cheerful, full of energy and a lot of fun solving everything. It is advisable to channel your efforts towards the relationships and collaborations with which you are involved or that you wish to involve. It seems that there will be unresolved steps in these areas, or if you want to work on a project, you may be reluctant. The relationship with the life partner can be distinguished by special turns. On July 25th and 26th, gifts, rewards or purchases are possible for everyday life. On the other hand, there are significant changes in the compensation received from a job. There are still many problems in the professional plane. Your social position is controversial, and others follow you at every step. During the second half of the week, many roads are short distances. Meetings and dialogues with close relatives and friends may be the order of the day. Do not rely on the information received during this period because you think and say another, and the truth is very far.

Friends and protectors have been around since the beginning of the week. The possible mischief, alarming news related to money, but be careful and select the information that reaches you. The daily mind is low rated, so it speaks less and the strictest need. Important decisions leave them for a better time. Sentimental relationships can be known for special tours. An older relationship can end up ruining permanently. The financial chapter is strongly accentuated by asthras. You are lucky and open to the money and property of others, but do not try to force the note. Divorce-related inheritances and divorces are other topics that can grab your attention. In the days of July 25 and 26, the desire to withdraw from the forgetting of life is at odds. Health becomes vulnerable Consultations, medical tests and surgery are not recommended in special cases. In the second part of the week you will feel better, coming back among the others with a lot of enthusiasm.

In the first days of the week you are retired and focused solely on your business. Some health problems may increase, especially those related to the respiratory and hepatic systems. Pay attention to all the signs of your body and consult your specialist doctor. At work, it seems that certain activities must be resumed, otherwise they have not been correctly resolved. Collective relationships become tense, but do not try to meet the challenges. On July 25 and 26, you'll feel good, radiating among others. Reflection and communication are shaded, which avoids major decisions or conflicting discussions. Very interesting right now is your relationship with foreigners. You may need to travel far from the country for tourism or study purposes. In the second part of the week, money problems may arise: The horoscope of 23-23 July announces gifts, rewards or improvements to the salary received from a job. For recreation and rebirth, go on a little trip with your loved ones

The professional field opens the week for you. Dialogues possible with a boss are possible, but there are moments of passage. It seems like you will have to focus your efforts on the home and the family. There are problems with heritage properties that have not been properly addressed in the past, and now there is a good time to resolve them. A family member may have health problems. Give her help, but be closer to your business. Relationships with partners are interesting and you can get good deals. Major decisions leave them for a better time. The days of 25 and 26 July are conducive to meetings and dialogues with friends. Keep the tips and prompts you have received because that is a lot. Towards the end of the week, the stars recommend rest and introspection. Traffic problems can be highlighted. Use only natural remedies to improve your overall health.

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