HOROSCOPE OF THE DAY OF MONDAY 23 JULY 2018 for the Scorpion


THE HOROSCOPE OF THE DAY MONDAY, JULY 23, 2018 for Scorpio – Sometimes you have the impression that you have to give up some dreams, but do not erase them completely! Scorpio – There are small sacrifices that you make when you do not meet all the conditions of complete success, but just pass them on a secondary line until things are favorable again. to their materialization

HOROSCOPE MONASTERY JULY 23 JULY 2018 for Scorpio Sign – Just repeat a dream for a moment, remove some things from the list of plans, but that does not mean that we abandon them completely

THE HOROSCOPE OF THE DAY OF JULY 23, 2018 their time has come, but now you seem to have to concentrate on other more urgent plans. However, do not say impossible! It is possible, but not now …

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