Horoscopes July 9, 2018. Bulls must lose if they meet their loved ones


It may be a day when you need more patience, but also to build a correct judgment in any situation, without exaggerations and without personalized interpretation

Horoscope 9 July 2018 – Taurus [19659003YoucanlosealotmoreandalotmorethanyouthinkifyoudecidetogoaboveandbeyondthewillofyourlovedonesYoumayfeelbadwiththefeelingthatyouarerightiftheyhaveadifferentopinion

Horoscopes July 9, 2018 – Gemini

There can be complications difficult to predict in the workplace either because of health problems or you feel unjustifiable and, therefore, you do not want anything.

9 July 2018 Horoscope – Cancer

This is a day of exaggerated reactions, especially to loved ones. Even if you have the right to refuse when you ask for something, it depends a lot on the way you do it, the tone you use and the words you choose.

Horoscopes July 9, 2018 – Leu

Discussions with family members can even a lot of problems that you are now, maybe and because you do not talk to who you need or nobody really does pay attention to what the other person says.

Horoscopes July 9, 2018 – Virgo

Movements can become problematic, move in an unwanted way and ask you, revolted, what is happening. Just be understanding in any situation.

Horoscope 9 July 2018 – Libra

Try to collect information from your friends and apply it in your own life to get closer to their achievements

Horoscopes 9 July 2018 – Scorpio

Communication with Superiors are precarious and that is why you should not get too involved in such discussions, especially if you are not sure about having their full attention. 19659016] Horoscope July 9, 2018 – Sagittarius

You are asking difficult questions that can influence many areas of your life from now on. The answers will be too, so there is no need to rush.

Horoscope 9 July 2018 – Capricorn

You find it very difficult to communicate with your friends or protectors. You seem to have broken the terms of an agreement and you no longer have the same confidence as in the past.

Horoscope 9 July 2018 – Aquarius

It is very possible to be mistaken about an association or partnership – perhaps (19659022) Horoscopes 9 July 2018 – Pisces

It is very important to respect the limits of your own competence and give away some of the responsibilities, the ones that go beyond you, to your colleagues who are prepared for it. 19659024] See also Uranium predictions for this week

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