How a woman found her iPhone that fell 300 yards from an airplane


How did a woman find her iPhone that fell 300 yards from an airplane

  How did a woman find her iPhone that fell 300 yards from her? A plane

A woman – who dropped her iPhone from a plane and saw her falling to a vertiginous height on the ground – told her how miraculously the phone was working. Sarvinder Naberhaus captures images using a smartphone holder on the passenger seat at a time when the wind has stolen his phone.

A couple of couples took a ride on a two-winged airplane in Iowa, United States, earlier this month. One of them pulled the phone to take some pictures – as some people think it is normal in these times – and the woman let it go.

The iPhone fell to nearly 300 meters from the ground plane, and that would be enough for many to assume that it was completely destroyed. However, the woman located her device with the Find My iPhone function and, to her surprise, discovered that the device had survived the flight of 300 meters from the aircraft.

The woman who had escaped from the plane thought she lost the smartphone for good. Once they landed, the woman tried the function Find My iPhone

She could not locate her phone the first time, but the woman tried one more time before taking a new device. It worked perfectly for the second time. His iPhone has landed in tall grass in a residential area.

Find My iPhone took them to an approximate location, and the woman managed to pick up her smartphone remotely. The device survived the 300-meter drop without scratches and was in full operation

Although it's great that his iPhone survived the 300-meter drop from the plane, one can say that the situation would have been very different if the aircraft 300 yards, Apple, wings, aircraft, feature, residential, era, device, woman, find my iPhone, grass, iphone, meter, smartphone, phone, landing on the sidewalk, instead of high grass.

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