How Apple wants to improve its Apple Maps service


  How Apple wants to improve Apple Map Service

Some may not know, but the launch of the Apple Maps service a few years ago did not go well. After a first impression, the explanations of the CEO, a few years of patchwork with data partnerships and some light shots with the launch of long-awaited features, Apple Maps still does not have what it takes to be considered a map service

Apple Maps was introduced before the launch as having the potential to defeat Google Maps, but a few years later it is clear that Google Maps is the main map service towards which many are heading. Clearly brought some improvements to the Apple Maps service over the years, but it seems that their work is far from over. In fact, according to a TechCrunch press release, it seems that Apple could redesign its card service from scratch using its own data.

Before that, Apple relied heavily on third-party data for its mapping application, but thanks to the company's efforts to collect its own data, they plan to improve the map data and replace it with their data. own data.

Speaking for TechCrunch, Apple Vice President Eddy Cue said, "When we launched Maps, it's just a matter of guiding and reaching a certain place. and find directions to this place.We have done a lot of work making millions of changes, adding millions of locations, updating maps and modifying maps more frequently.All of these things in the course of six past years. "

Of course, your own data does not necessarily mean better data, and those who are waiting to see these changes in the Maps service may have to wait a bit

This is because these changes card service should be introduced gradually and cover parts of the United States from the stadium, so it may take some time before we can get an idea and whether or not these changes are better rs

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