How does Google want to "cure" illiteracy through artificial intelligence?


If the Romanian classes do not do their job, Google will do it. The tech giant wants to help you not make grammatical mistakes

Google wants to add a grammar check option to Google Docs. This could also detect more complex errors, which are often undiscovered by programs such as Microsoft Word.

Google Docs will benefit from the same technology as the artificial intelligence behind Google Translate. The new option was announced at the Google Cloud Next conference.

"Our artificial intelligence can capture different types of corrections, simple grammatical rules, how to use articles in a sentence […] grammatical concepts"

"The automated algorithm will help improve these abilities over time. time to detect more difficult grammar problems. "[19659002] Although the service is only available to businesses from the start, Google plans to consolidate it on a large scale in the future. In addition, the company also wants to launch an automated messaging service called Smart Reply. The purpose of this service is to predict how you will respond to certain messages.

First, he will select messages that appear to need an immediate response. Then he will suggest three possible answers, according to your habits. Smart Reply will be available to G Suite subscribers in a few weeks.

The company will also launch Smart Compose, which predicts the text of an email while you compose a message. In addition to automatically filling out common phrases, Smart Compose can insert custom information, such as the address of your office or home, so you do not have to spend time with repetitive tasks ", he said

. it will become smarter over time – for example, it will teach you how to greet some people in emails, to make sure that when you use Smart Compose, your name is. "

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