How the eclipse of July 27 influences us: it's the longest phenomenon of its kind in the 21st century


Astronomer Bruce McClure says that the lunar eclipse will take an hour and 43 minutes. According to the Tech Times, it will take him about four hours to cross the Earth's shadow. The July eclipse will last 40 minutes longer than the blue-blooded superlenna that took place in January 2018. McClure estimates that the total lunar eclipse will include partial eclipses beginning at 2:24 pm. EST (21:24, Romania time) until 18:29 (1969002) The 2018 moon eclipse will be visible all over the world and will contain the specific colors of a "long because of the date 27-28 July (whatever your country) occur at the same time the full moon and the lunar apogee, when the natural satellite is at the farthest point of the Earth. these two phenomena that occur simultaneously cause an extended lunar eclipse.The longest duration of such a phenomenon can be from one hour and 47 minutes.The total length of the lunar eclipse the July 27, 2018 will be of one hour and 43 minutes.The eclipse is fully visible from Romania at the beginning of July 27.

How the day of the lunar eclipse July 27 [19659003] "The Moon has an impact on everything that is fluid on this planet. We know that we are 80% water, so there is a good connection between our body and the phases of the moon. During this period, the events that occur are very important, and they are meant to develop us emotionally. What is very interesting is that Mercury will now demote to Leo. It provides extra energy for everything that communicates. You will all hear praise and we will tend to make exaggerated statements. It is possible to delay, send a mail and not arrive on time, you will see a lot of power outages during this period and various devices that will be broken. It will be difficult for us to agree. We will lock a lot of situations. Also in this period will be the people of our past "said astrologer Daniela Simulescu at Adevarul Live.

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