How to cancel subscription to an iPhone app from an App Store


It is important to know how to cancel your subscription to an app downloaded from the App Store, if you started withdrawing your money from the card and you do not know why.

A few years ago, the number of applications with subscription was unique. In addition to streaming services such as Netflix, HBO Go, Voyo or Hulu, too few programs have worked on this recipe. Unfortunately, when many popular mobile and desktop games began to be the subject of in-app purchases or microtransactions, many programs began to adopt the subscription system.

You may know that Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Office 365 can be used via a monthly or yearly subscription. But you do not expect that a mobile photo editor or an emoticon application uses the same recipe.

By 2018, you are likely to be a seemingly free app that you install on your phone for a monthly or even weekly subscription. It's more important than ever to monitor your card transactions and pay close attention to the programs you install and the notifications you accept.  cancel-subscription-iphone-screenshot-03

At the same time, if an app starts charging you, keep in mind that removing it from your phone will not be reflected at the end of your subscription. Most likely, you will still be charged.

Once you have been charged and understood your money on the card, you must keep two things.

First of all, there is a 95% chance that Apple will make your money lost, provided you are English-speaking. Unfortunately, the free Apple phone line available at 0800 894 847 currently has a conversation in English.

Exceed the money recovery, disable a subscription to any Apple service or any application you have installed and bill you monthly, on an iPhone or iPad, you need to access the 39, App Store. Make a tap in the upper right corner of your Apple profile picture. In the new window, tap a second time on your e-mail address and log in.

At the bottom of the window, go to the Subscriptions or Subscriptions section. Tap one of those you do not want to continue and click Cancel Subscription or Cancel Subscription.

You can continue to subscribe until you have already paid the subscription, but you will clearly see the date at the bottom of the same window.

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