How to download music from YouTube to iPhone



Since YouTube, people have been working hard to find the simplest solutions to download their favorite music from there. The problem is that this mechanism of downloading YouTube videos is contrary to the list of terms and conditions that you must respect as a user. For this reason, mobile apps that facilitate this operation fail to stay in the AppStore as they are removed by Apple at the request of Google

For this tutorial, used the Wi Video Saver Pro 360 -Fi downloadable for free on Apple's App Store. When you arrive in the application, click Download Browser.

When you already have some songs in the library, the same Download Browser button you find in the upper left corner behind the music note with a +

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Continue Reading [19659007AtthebottomofthenewwindowyouwillfindanaddressbarsimilartotheoneyouseeinanybrowserDeletewhatexistsandtypeinYouTubecomwithorwithoutwwwFindthesongsyouwantandwhenyoustartplayingthesongsyouwillseeabigbuttononthescreenPress

At the top right, on the arrow that comes out of a square, click again on Download. You can repeat the procedure whenever you want. Finally, you will find tracks in the Songs section at the bottom of the app. At Playlists, you can create playlists with the desired songs and, most importantly, you can listen to them all with the closed phone.
