how Dangerous is the bronze addiction


Tanned leather as much as possible, the best and not only in summer, but regardless of the season. First lived in Western countries, the bronze addiction has taken root in us and persists. "Unfortunately, tanorexia, that is, the addiction to tanned skin, exists and, moreover, the first victims have begun to do so," says Dr. Viviana Iordache, Senior Dermatologist at Medicum Clinic.

Bronze has become a fashion that young women are particularly fond of, says Cosmina Loredana Popescu, MD, dermatologist at Sanador. "But there are more and more people who develop a dependence on bronze regardless of the season, even when the sun's UV radiation is no longer available, using the sun, lotions and cans."

If there is no major warning of doctors against caravans, suns are at the top of these health threats, they attract the attention of dermatologists. "The solarium has been banned in Australia and is part of the committees in the United States, while in Western Europe, this discussion has begun to grow," says Dr. Viviana Iordache

. quickly. How long? "It depends on the genetic material, the number of hours of exposure in a calendar year and the general conditions of immunity.Because there are cases in which this payment slip is written quickly and that means between one and five years and there are cases in which it is written slowly in 20-30 years, "adds Dr. Iordache

Repeated sunburns increase the risk of cancer from the skin

Certainly, for the psychic, the UV radiation is beneficial in that it stimulates the release of endorphins – so-called happiness hormones that provide a well-being – for the skin , too much sun, natural or artificial, can cause burns, disorders of pigmentation, premature aging of the skin and finally skin cancer

"Sunburn repeated by damage at the cellular level – keratinocytes and melanocytes – can be a precursor of the & # 39; appearance of melanoma. It has been shown that exposure to UVA and UVB causes about 90% of skin cancers, the most dangerous of which is melanoma, "says Dr. Cosmina Loredana Popescu.

The risk of skin cancer is higher, eyes open and blond hair and I'm not just talking about the risk of rapidly progressing malignant melanoma, but also tumors that usually reach the age of third. age, says Dr. Viviana Iordache.

of the "payment note" we are talking about a photo-aging, the second cause after genetics, adds the main dermatologist. "It happens the sooner the person has lighter, thinner, drier skin.There is a thickening and cardboard on some areas, and we are talking about a pigment change," says Dr. Viviana Iordache.

Ultraviolet radiation is responsible for 90% of the changes associated with photoaging. "UVB radiation penetrates the epidermis and is responsible for both bronchial and sunburn. UVA penetrates the skin and reaches the dermis. By producing free radicals, collagen and elastin fibers deteriorate, resulting in loss of elasticity of the skin and wrinkles. The signs of photoaging appear more frequently in the most exposed areas of the body, namely the face, neck, neck and hands, "says Cosmina Loredana Popescu, MD

" Generally, the first signs are not wrinkles. very thin and naturally dry, then wake up with expression wrinkles. Because when we are in a strong light, we sit with our eyes reclining and the forehead wrinkled, and expression wrinkles can appear from age 20 if we abuse the sun, "says Dr. Iordache. Secondly, the doctor adds, our face can fall very early and it does not necessarily happen to people with very thin skin. "Then there are the grooves near the mouth, on the chin, on the cheek, next to the eyes."

Other signs of photo-aging are the pigment spots appearing on the face and hands – solar lentigo; actinic solar keratoses – which look like giant frills, precursors of cancer; telengectasia – dilated blood vessels – on the cheeks and nose;

All these consequences could be diminished by properly using the external and internal sun protection. "Sunscreen is misunderstood by many patients who think it means a little screening cream, failing to do internal protection, and ignoring the fact that the approach of the water double the degree of irradiation ".

"inappropriate makeup, the combination of photoprotective and cosmetic products again can do illusory photoprotection.The best photoprotection is physical photoprotection, staying in the second row of lounge chairs, under the umbrella or with a larger birch hat The best light makes the brain, not the skin.For the brain, the light is antidepressant, relaxing, it is an endorphin discharge.In Romanian and in short, it makes us happy.But it is is a fake friend for the skin, and things can be easily solved by going to the places where the light is, but by protecting you properly – that is, no one prevents us from staying in the air, even while basking in the sun, but also to photoprotect properly when the sun is more pleasant for the skin. "

How to choose the right protective product [19659002] The photoprotectants – the cream were approved by the FDA in the United States in the 1970s. "However, they still use bad luck and choose badly," notes Dr. Viviana Iordache. Now we have a whole range of products. "There is a lot of skin care with photo-protection, there are sprays that apply post-make-up with photoprotection.There are non-greasy oils with photoprotection.I refer to those who have the factor 50. Last year, there is also a medical lotion in Romania that provides photoprotection, including for patients with skin cancer.And that has up to now broken the barrier classic protection of two hours. "

Most of the time, when we choose a sun protection priodus (SPF), we lose sight of the fact that it can only protect us in the face of UVB, and not against UVA, much stronger, which deeply affects the skin and exposes us to the risk of cancer. Therefore, we must make sure that on the label of the cream we buy it writes that it provides protection against UVA and UVB

The sunscreen is a multiplier for the time needed until the skin blushes after exposure without sun protection. If unprotected exposure results in erythema in 10 minutes, a protective cream will delay the onset of erythema under the same conditions at 150 minutes. The choice depends on the specific risk of the skin of each individual and the time that he wishes to spend in the sun.

The amount of cream to be applied is two grams per square centimeter. "The man has about two square feet of skin and a bottle of about 200 milliliters, we would need about half a bottle per application.One thing that nobody does, so my recommendation is that the product be applied more frequently. "

Another mistake we make is to apply the cream a long time before going out to the beach. "We have to use the product three minutes before going out with ultraviolet light."

In addition to reapplying creams, on average two to three hours, effective sunblock should include products to protect against UVA radiation and UVB radiation. "The most effective creams are those that contain zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.These ingredients stay on the surface of the skin – they do not absorb – where they form an invisible barrier against ultraviolet rays, "recommends Dr. Cosmina Loredana Popescu

Substances to be avoided in creams and lotions

sunscreen products should not contain ethyl alcohol, parabens , phthalates, phenoxyethanol, glycerin, synthetic dyes, perfume, paraffin oil or silicone. "These substances can cause allergies, dermatitis, have a carcinogenic, toxic and dangerous potential. Regarding the form of presentation, cream, lotion, oil, spray – here the choice depends on the preferences of each and the type of skin. Creamy products are easy to apply, moisturizing and indicated for dry skin. Lotions load the skin and are harder to apply because they harden in the skin. The sprays are easy to apply, do not leave oily skin and can be used for makeup. The beach oil can be applied lightly, it moisturizes, it blocks the dehydration of the skin and a benefit is that it can also be applied to the hair, protecting these sunburns, "says the Dr. Popescu

. are very important for photoprotection products: those for the face must be chosen; minerals are more photoprotective than chemical cosmetics and we must look at packaging to protect UVA – the radiation that can cause skin cancer. Fortunately, there are now facial products that can be chosen based on the patient's skin, according to the specialist.

Regarding the existence of silicone in sunscreens, Dr. Viviana Iordache states that they all contain this substance. "We must understand that all products contain silicone, including those intended for children, because they must provide a film.But if the person has big pores, oily skin, the tendency to acne, the products in silicone accentuate these problems. "

The products that make us more sensitive to the sun are, in addition to perfumes, those with retinol – vitamin A – fruit acids, molecules that provide greater absorption of light

How we prepare our body inside

Effective protection not only on the outside, and internal protection is also needed. When we want to achieve these types of protection, we must take into account a few simple measures, namely: avoid sun exposure in the intervals from 11:00 to 16:00, when the UV radiation has a maximum intensity; clothing must be made of light, light and light colored fibers; wearing broad brimmed hats and sunglasses protected from UV rays

The internal protection means on the one hand a good hydration of at least two liters of water a day and d & # 's Another, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables of the season. "Let's do the right thing with beta carotene, which is an internal photoprotector, almost free, we can give carrots or carrot juice to children," says Dr. Viviana Iordache

Second, the protection of Vitamin C "Fresh fruits and vegetables consumed during the entire period of exposure and at least two to three weeks prior to exposure.And, last but not least, combine internal and external photoprotection," concludes Dr. Iordache

Why is not it good to go with a child under 2 years old to the beach

he is completely melanocyte until he's gone to school. two years old. "If we want to bring the little one to sea, we keep him dressed, with a hat on his head and a blue water. What we live today is no longer what we lived 30 years ago. Unfortunately, the degree of irradiation is much higher and this is mainly due to pollution, thinning of the ozone layer. The first sign of dying melanocytes is the irregular bronze, "says Dr. Viviana Iordache.

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