
<img class = "td-post-image-full-and-grid aligncenter wp-image-352075" title = "Huawei Telefonul EXCLUSIV ATACA Samsung Lansat" src = " -content / uploads / 2018/07 / Huawei-Telefonul-EXCLUSIV-Lansat-ATACA-Samsung.jpg "alt =" Huawei Huawei is preparing a massive attack on Samsung with an exclusive phone, the Chinese making the first Not to become a more serious competitor for the world's largest phone manufacturer Huawei will launch a foldable phone in front of Samsung, according to information published today by sources close to the company, Chinese wanting to bring it to the Korean market to prove it.

Huawei wants to launch its foldable phone At the beginning of the year 2019, Samsung Samsung GALAXY F will be launched by Samsung and will be based on flexible displays products by the Chinese company BOE In the video below you can see the screens s flexible that BOE has managed to create and Huawei wants to take advantage of this technology to beat Samsung by launching its foldable phone

Huawei: The phone EXCLUSIVELY launched at ATACA Samsung

Huawei will launch this phone exclusively and if you ask me why I say that, well because we are talking about a production of only 20,000 to 30,000 units for them. biggest fans of Korean Society. Huawei will make a very limited production just to show "what it can", but probably because its partners can not yet support production in larger quantities, and in the end it matters more than it does. Looks like you have the technology but not

"China's Huawei Technologies, the world's third-largest smartphone maker, plans to roll out the first foldable handset with a flexible screen in front of its biggest competitor, Samsung 20,000 to 30,000 units, or less, for a small group of first wave adopters, "said one person aware of Huawei's plan." Huawei wants to produce 20,000 to 30,000 units of sound flexible phone, while Samsung wants to produce up to 3 million units, the difference being huge, and in this context, the desire of the Chinese to be the first on the market does not count at all . That's how it happened a few years ago when Huawei introduced a similar 3D Touch technology to Apple, but it did not come forward for a few months, and it will still be case, even if the phone will still be on the market. lovers.

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