Hundreds of thousands of people at the gay parade in London. The mayor of the city started walking


Hundreds of thousands of people participated this weekend in the marches of the Gay Pride held in the largest European cities. The largest parade was held in London, where more than a million people went out on the streets

The celebration was dubbed by England's victory in the quarterfinals of the World Championship

Sadiq, mayor of the metropolis Khan was the first to start the march

As every year in London, the procession of support for the rights of sexual minorities caused an "explosion" of color and death. extravagance in the streets of the metropolis. Participants, all dressed in the most colorful outfits, fought for equality and diversity

A huge, rainbow-colored flag – a symbol of the LGBT movement was worn by many participants

The first gay marriage in the royal family. Queen's cousin will marry her partner

Thousands of spectators joined thousands of parade participants. Many came out of homes to celebrate the victory of the national football team against Sweden and qualify for the semifinals of the World Cup.

A big party with tens of thousands of participants also took place in Madrid

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