Husband died in the accident! Five other people were injured as a result of an illegal maneuver


It appears that the driver of the car registered at Bihor tried to return to an area where the mark was a continuous double line. Another car, running in the same direction, hit him completely. After the impact, the first car was knocked down


"Police arrived at the scene, from the first checks, found that the driver of a car, a man 51-year-old tried to maneuver back on the double continuous line, being surprised by another car, which goes from the same direction, namely Deva – Hunedoara.The impact resulted in the death of the guilty driver of the 39 accident and injury of 6 other people, namely three passengers in the cars concerned.The wounded were transported to the hospital for medical care, "said spokeswoman IPJ Hunedoara, Carla Strujan .

Unfortunately, Monday night, a second victim died at the hospital. It seems that it was even the wife of the deceased driver, the one who caused the accident.

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