"I will not put the baby in the barrel!" The details of TARIBLE on Anamaria Prodan appear after the death of Ionela Prodan …


Ionela Prodan wanted to be alone as Anamaria and her sister were learning what a real job looked like since she was a child, so they both had a hectic childhood.

So, Anamaria Prodan worked a long time in her childhood to show her parents that she was dignified and responsible and only then received what she wanted.

"There were some very well-established things in my family, and then we took them as things that needed to be done, and we did not comment on them." birds "so that I can go out with the other children, I will feed the birds even if I did not like them very much.There were age-specific things.For example, for years I've was forced into the barrel and washed inside, and imagine that it was so hot and that I was so small … I was there. sure child who was on the barrel's mouth.That's why I prayed: "Lord, why did not you get me fat?" If I think now, I would not put the baby in the barrel.They gave me a wire brush, I had to rub myself for hours.Mum put the water in, then they came back with the barrel, they pulled out all that that I washed and they put water in and washed it, and I thought, "Lord, did not I get out of here?", declares Anamaria Prodan

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