Igor Dodon had another meeting with Vladimir Putin in Moscow – International


The President of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Dodon, wrote Saturday on his Facebook account that during his day he had a meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, with whom he discussed bilateral relations and the regional situation , notes Agerpres.

"I expressed my gratitude for the efforts of the Russian President and for his support in resolving the problems related to the considerable increase in exports of Moldovan agricultural products to the Russian market in 2017. Also on behalf of tens of thousands Moldovan citizens have thanked us for having solved a number of problems related to the lifting of restrictions imposed on Moldovan citizens by migration services, "wrote Dodon, the head of the In the Moldavian State, "increased attention has been paid to the Transnistrian question." "We have noted the positive results of the resolution of a whole range of problems faced by the inhabitants of both sides of the Nistru River, which is consolidating coherent and effective trust between Tiraspol and Chisinau. "Contacts with leaders of the Transnistrian region will continue" Moldavian President

"We have We appreciate the anti-Russian statements that have been adopted in recent weeks at various international levels and focused on the role of the peace process in the Republic of Moldova, as head of state, unilateral statements made at the high stands do not correspond to the situation with regard to the peacekeeping operation in Moldova and are part of the internal political struggle and positioning in the context of the upcoming parliamentary elections in Moldova "Published

Dodon also writes that the President of Russia "has accepted and is ready to consider" the request of the President of the Republic of Moldova for the free delivery "of the Russian production technique for the needs of the major cities and towns of Moldova", expressing it is hoped that this assistance from the Russian Federation will begin to reach Moldovan localities in the coming months

"We have thanked Vladimir Putin for the support of our country to the observer status of the Eurasian Economic Union, which does not contradict the external obligations assumed by our country. (…) I sincerely thanked the Russian President for the invitation to make an official visit to Russia this fall, in a mutually agreed period. I am confident that this visit will make a substantial contribution to strengthening the long-term strategic partnership relations between the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation ", added Mr Dodon, who assured the Russian President that he has no strength will at the same time, Dodon expressed his conviction that "the absolute majority of citizens of the Republic of Moldova will continue to support the position of the President of the Republic of Moldova to promote the course towards a strategic partnership and maintain relations established friendship through history with the Russian state, as well as the promotion of a balanced foreign policy, openness to cooperation with the West and the East on the basis of the national interests of the Republic of Moldova "

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