Ilie Micolov is dead. Composer of the song "Love …


Ilie Micolov died Saturday after a cardiopulmonary arrest, told the agency AGERPRES Dr. Cristina Atanasova Iacob, director of the district hospital emergency Piatra Neamt. The artist was admitted to the intensive care unit of the hospital on July 14 with heart disease and diabetes

"The death occurred around 11 am after a heart failure." Ilie Micolov was hospitalized in the Department of Intensive Therapy, with obesity, heart problems and diabetes, the diseases that caused the cardiorespiratory arrest, said Cristina Atanasoaia Jacob

Ilie Micoliv is born in July 1950 in Suceava. He was known to the public, especially for the shawl "Love at First Eye".

Ilie Micolov was a musician advisor to Radio Romania News, he appeared in the performances of "Constantin Tanase" Theater in Bucharest and toured with the group Romanticii

Lately, Ilie Micolov has been confronted with serious health problems, suffering from diabetes, asthma and heart problems, which has removed from his family the last part of his life, left in Germany, where he died. artist emigrated in 1988 where he returned to the 1990s

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