Ilie Micolov is dead. The artist was 69 years old


Mellow in the world of music of Romania. Famous vocalist Ilie Micolov died on Saturday, July 21st at the age of 69. He had serious health problems. The artist died at the emergency hospital of Piatra Neamţ County, where he was hospitalized for a few days

"The death occurred around 11 am after a cardiorespiratory arrest." Ilie Micolov been admitted to the intensive care unit with obesity, heart problems and diabetes, a condition that caused the cardiopulmonary arrest, "said Dr. Cristina Atanasoai Iacob, director of the Piatra Neamt Emergency County Hospital, Agerpres

"Pray for Me," was the last statement of the artist made a week ago.

The artist, who, by his sassy success, "Love at First Look", hundreds of Romanian couples, with the dignity that has always characterized, the serious health problems that came to him repeatedly to the hospital. Ilie Micolov died alone, left behind by the family

Ilie Micolov suffered from diabetes, asthma and heart problems, had a heavy weight that his knees could not stand, and dysfunctions of the circulatory system often inflamed his feet, that he forced to stay longer in the house.

He had no pension. His wife and daughter chose to stay in Germany, where Ilie Micolov emigrated in 1988 and from where he returned in the 1990s, a family disapproved

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