IMF criticizes the Republic of Moldova for adopting "regressive and risky" measures |


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has criticized the decision of the Republic of Moldova to reduce taxes and amnesty registered assets, considering that these measures are regressive and risky, reported Reuters

. measures which would enter into force on 1 October. The ruling party in the Republic of Moldova says that these measures aim to reduce the size of the underground economy. Citizens whose monthly income is less than the equivalent of $ 95 will no longer pay income tax. The amnesty allows people to register property without providing original documents as long as they pay a 3% tax.

According to the IMF's preliminary opinion, the recently approved amnesty and tax initiative package is not in line with the program's objectives. supported by the IMF. More specifically, the measures adopted will have negative effects on the tax system, undermine tax compliance and pose significant fiscal risks, "said Volodymyr Tulin, representative of the International Monetary Fund in the Republic of Moldova

Andrian Candu, Speaker of the Parliament of Chisinau, said that these measures will benefit most low and middle income people and denied that they are meant to help the rich

The US Embassy in Chisinau announced that 39; she was "extremely disappointed" by Parliament's decision "The law on voluntary reporting and tax incentives (called the law on the capital amnesty) legalises theft and corruption and will also affect the business environment of the Republic of Moldova. The citizens of the country have already suffered major financial crimes. The guilty must be punished, not encouraged. The population of the Republic of Moldova deserves more, "says Veaceslav Ionita, of the think-tank IDIS-Viitorul Institute, after adopting these measures, the budget will be deprived of 2, 6 billion lei Moldovan (157 million dollars). "Obviously, by euphemistically speaking, these measures seriously worry the International Monetary Fund," said Veaceslav Ionita

last month, the Republic of Moldova received a new tranche of nearly 34 million dollars from the International Monetary Fund . The three-year agreement with the Republic of Moldova was approved by the IMF's Executive Board on November 7, 2016, with the Republic of Moldova having access to a total of about $ 178.7 million. dollars

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