Interest of Juncker's visit to Washington


The President of the European Commission, Jean Claude Juncker, went to Washington on Wednesday, where he left with the decision to get an agreement with US President Donald Trump. The two leaders announced at the end of the talks an agreement that has all the elements of an armistice

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What is this agreement and why is it important for Romania [19659004] A trade war is good for no one. Just like when you take a revenge from a neighbor for a rubber cut through his window, neither your wheel nor his window will ever come back.

Of course, you can always say that you support every national rubber industry. (19659004) The spiral of the trade war began with the imposition by the US administration of tariffs on steel (important in automotive production, BMW producing its X range entirely in South Carolina).

Europe has responded politically by imposing commercial tariffs on a wide list of products that strike where it hurts most: in the constituencies of congressional bosses who will have elections in the fall .

Thus, Mitch McConnell's bourbon and motorbike Harley Davidson produced in Wisconsin Paul Ryan has reached this list.

The undermining of confidence continued with the sabotage of the operation of the World Trade Organization by refusing The United States appointed new judges to the court of appeal, which has effectively paralyzed the organization. Without the WTO, we are back in the best of all worlds, playing an international football match without arbitrariness and with rules with which we disagree

Juncker and Trump went out together at the press conference , and the press applauded frantically after a long night of reason. At the statements of both, the room breathed slightly. Washington has become so timid that the president has become the unscathed actor as any protest with a leader of the western world and not a dictator becomes a holiday.

What was the central result of the visit? Well, the resulting bureaucracy, the best guarantee to curb the new tariffs. Europeans and Americans have set up a joint task force to negotiate tariff cuts line by line where it matters

Juncker realized what Europe and the United States had already in 2013, a high-level working group, which started negotiations for the TTIP

What is even more important is that as long as this working group exists, no new tariff can be imposed . This condition represented 50% of the purpose of Juncker's visit to Washington. Why? Because Trump announced that he was subject to rates of up to 25% taxed on European cars. This would have cost an average of 10,000 euros for German cars exported to America and would have been canceled for an uncertain period in the most profitable foreign market

Juncker's visit came at a time when it was not going to happen. could not have been better. The escalation of the trade dispute after a possible inclusion of cars would have irreparable consequences and direct and immediate effects on European companies, many of which are in Romania or with Romanian employees

The EU Trump [19659004]

The first concerns exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG), for which new receiving ports are (already) under construction in Europe as an alternative Russian gas and the Nordstream project 2.

Secondly, Soybean export from the United States is encouraged. This important feed for European livestock has advantages for our farmers, including Romanians. Forcing Brazil to import soybeans in the face of an inefficient European crop, the US source will reduce the costs of our domestic producers

Third, industrial products, on which both agreed to abolish the tariff, were important. said the joint statement approved by both teams (11 people on each side attended the meeting) that the two parties undertake to reform the WTO together. A reform in the direction of the transatlantic interest is definitely a step forward from the complete blockade now.

Juncker met the pride of President Trump

It can be said that the visit to Washington of the experienced president of the European Commission, who has already announced its withdrawal in 2019, is a diplomatic success of the scene. Juncker's success has been achieved after weeks of high-level political lobbying by EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom, whose team includes a brilliant Romanian economist, Lucian Cernat.

Juncker met President Trump's pride by operating a mercantilist logic, the only one recognized by the American. Juncker spoke on his tongue, using terms such as hill, understanding him and kissing him in a typical way and hugging him. He would have done anything, just to get the hill.

Right now, he got it. This time, Juncker was the wisest state man Nicolae Stefanuta is an active European politician who is passionate about optimizing public decision making through the technologies of l & # 39; information. ]

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