Investigation into a psychiatric rehabilitation center in Sibiu after removing the eyes of a patient – Essential


Police and management of the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC) are investigating a recovery center in Tălmaciu, where a patient tears his eyes from his eyes. another without the staff being able to prevent the aggression, said Agerpres the director of the DGASPC, Laura Vilsan

"I was informed yesterday of the incident, it s & # 39; was thrown on the other and put his fingers in the eyes, there was no one else hurt, and that never happened. The abuser n & # 39; There is nothing to look for in the center, and the victim, because he will remain with a permanent visual impairment, will have to find another center.The abuser is about 20 years old and seems to have something to divide with the victim, a little older … Just to get out of the hands of a nurse yesterday, directly to the other, no one could react, everything happened very quickly, "ex he says t Laura Vilsan

According to the source cited, the employees of the center where the incident occurred are afraid of their lives and hope that the police will take the assailant this place

The patient whose eyes were plucked and He was bitten at the throat by a 32 year old man, who was transported by ambulance to the Sibiu County Emergency Hospital, where he is hospitalized for intensive care, according to hospital sources. Although the eyeball was quickly restored, the young man remained blind

"Yesterday, we received a request from the Tumliaco Center for Rehabilitation and Neuropsychiatric Rehabilitation. was bitten by another patient's throat, and the patient was rushed to hospital in a shocked state, "said Liliana Blaga, spokeswoman for the county's ambulance service.

According to doctors, it was stabilized

"A 32-year-old patient was brought by the SAJ to the Emergency Department of SCJU Sibiu of the Center for Rehabilitation and Neuropsychiatric Rehabilitation. Tlamscu, following the aggressions of the avulsia. The patient was taken by doctors, the bandage and hemostasis (stop bleeding) as well as the conjunctive suture was performed. the two definitive eyeballs A CT scan was performed, showed no other plague, and was biologically stable. Currently, the patient is hospitalized in the clinical section of anesthetic intensive care for treatment and monitoring. The man needs permanent sedation because he is very restless, being patient with psychiatric problems, "said Decebal Todariţă, the spokesman for the Departmental Emergency Hospital. Clinic of Sibiu

The patient in the center of Tălmaciu he was also hospitalized in the psychiatric hospital of Sibiu, announced the police.

"On 30.07.2018, around 13:00, to the. sending the police inspectorate an appeal to the 112 was launched to request a medical unit of Tălmaciu district to resolve a conflict situation between two hospitalized patients, namely two men aged 36 and 21 who , following the attack, were transported to Sibiu Emergency Psychiatric Hospital and "Gheorghe Preda" Psychiatric Hospital Sibiu respectively. In the present case, a criminal case has been brought for the violation of physical integrity, under the coordination of the prosecutor 's office near the Avrig Court, "the spokesman of the Sibiu Police Inspectorate, Ionut Nartea

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