Investments instead of wages


While other town halls in the country benefited from the change of legislation and increased the salaries of their employees, the village of Băleşti de Gorj is the opposite. Employees receive 20% lower wages after the mayor has announced that there is no money and wages in the budget, and funding for investments in the locality. In agreement with the employees, the mayor decided to continue the implementation of investment projects, hoping that the budget rectification promised by the government this month, the municipality will receive more money and that the wages will be increased

not to block us. Two months ago we made the decision, along with the other members of the management, to cut wages, with the agreement of the employees, by 20%. We did it in order to continue in perfect condition the projects that we have to implement at commune level, on the co-financing side. All employees accepted. We are waiting for the rectification of the budget, the money can be recovered along the way. Wages have increased and we must now obtain the source of funding, "said Mayor of Băleşti commune, Madallin Ungureanu, in Mediafax

Bălţi mayor currently has 50 employees for the payment of salaries." The proposal has become a necessity for the mayor's office to function. That affects me more than 800 lei, personally, "says one of the employees

The wage reduction measure also applies to the mayor, who has so far saved up to $ 300. at 50,000 lei. (d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (id)) return js = d.createElement (s); = id; js.src = ""; fjs.parentNode. (1969006) (function (d, s, id)) {functionBefore (js, fjs);} (document, script, facebook-jssdk)
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